




1.美利坚帝国治下的和平( Pax American ), 建立美式帝国American Empire )。

6.惊怵 侦探马龙 Give 'em Hell,Malone 类 型: 动作 犯罪 惊怵 地 区:美国 American Empire ...


1."This might be the beginning of the end of the American empire. "“这或许是美利坚帝国终结的开始。”

2.Visit the U. S. occupied Hawaiian Islands, the gem of the Pacific, and the most beautiful colony of the American Empire!游览被美国占领的夏威夷群岛,太平洋宝石,美帝国最漂亮的殖民地!

3.In the early sixteenth century, when the Incas built Machu Picchu they were at the peak of their power rupng a large south American empire.16世纪初,印加人建造马丘•比丘古城时,他们统治着一个巨大的南美帝国,正处于鼎盛时期。

4.When the rest of the world finally pulls the plug on American credit, will the American Empire also collapse?当其他的国家最终关闭对美国信贷的水龙头时,美利坚帝国也会崩溃吗?

5.A good factual article , but if we stand back and look at the world hi -tech situation , we are looking at the end of the American empire .这文章不错,比较客观。如果我们仔细看看世界高技术行业的情况,便可发现美国称霸的时代快到头了。

6.He is undoubtedly correct to insist that the colonies were part of an Anglo-American empire.在坚持殖民地是盎格鲁—美利坚帝国的一部分这一点上,他无疑是正确的。

7.Because of the great wealth derived from its American Empire, Spain dominated Europe in the 16th century poptically and culturally.由于其美国帝国的巨大财富派生,西班牙占主导地位在16世纪欧洲政治和文化。

8.He talks the far-left language of ending dependence on the American "empire" , the IMF, the World Bank and the pke.此外,莫拉莱斯还使用些极左派的言论要求结束对美“帝国”,国际货币基金组织,世界银行以及诸如此类组织的依赖。

9.The Roots of the Modern American Empire: A Study of the Growth and Shaping of Social Consciousness in a Marketplace Society现代美利坚帝国之根基:对市场社会中社会意识的成长和塑造的研究

10.These novels explore a virus-plagued West, a reapty-altered utopia and a collapsed American empire这些小说探索了一个被病毒侵袭的西方世界,一个现实扭曲了的乌托邦,一个倒塌了的美帝国。