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网络释义:里科;钌离子催化氧化(ruthenium ions catalyzed oxidation);反诈骗腐败组织集团犯罪法



abbr.1.Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (Act)


6.美国 美国 Peter Ponzol 美国 RICO 德国 FIBERREED ...

7.黎各 亚历山德洛( Alessandro) 黎各( Rico) 吉安( Jean) ...

8.凉快 4.3Private 菜鸟 4.4Rico 凉快 4.5King Jupen 朱利… ...


1.Rico did not know the name of the eighth object, but in seven out of ten tests, he appropriately retrieved a different novel item.黎各不知道名字的第八对象,但是在十分之七的测试,他得到了一个不同的小说适当项目。

2.From a "stricken land" as Tugwell used to call it, Puerto Rico was being transformed into a thriving community.波多黎各正在从一个特格韦尔经常称之为“多灾多难的地方”变为一个兴旺的社会。

3.But he cleared from any pabipty his close friend, interior deputy minister Rico Puno, saying he did not violate any law or rule.但阿基诺三世免除了其密友、内政部副部长普诺(RicoPuno)的所有责任,称他没有违反任何法律法规。

4.Thousands of cobia swirl around the center of a traditional deepwater fish-farming, or aquaculture, cage off Puerto Rico in 2007.2007年,波多黎各。成千上万的军曹鱼环游在一座传统的深海渔场中心——此即所谓水产养殖。

5.His woodworking knowledge had been gained first as an adolescent working in his older brother's furniture shop in Puerto Rico.他的木工技术是青少年时期,在波多黎各哥哥的家具店里学到的。

6.Rico can fetch at least 200 objects by name and seems able to expand his word knowledge bank.双打组合可卖到至少200个物体的名称,并似乎能够扩大他的词汇知识银行。

7.This extensive network of service centers is located throughout the United States, as well as in central Mexico and Puerto Rico.该公司的销售网络遍布美国,墨西哥中部和波多黎各。

8.rico cholm , his grandfather , had told him of attempts made by scientists to catch a member of the squad with digging machines.里夫的爷爷曾经跟他说过,一些科学家试图用挖掘机捕捉清洁班的一部分。

9.When Rico makes an Ajax request to the backend it might send up to four parameters as a query string in the URL.当Rico向后端发出一个Ajax请求时,它可能会以URL中的查询字符串的形式发送4个参数。

10.Yet with the US mainland now in recession as well, the prospects for a turnaround in Puerto Rico any time soon are bleak.然而,由于美国本土也正处于经济衰退之中,波多黎各能够尽早扭转局面的希望十分渺茫。