



美式发音: [ˈrɪɡər] 英式发音: [ˈrɪɡə]



复数:rigors  同义词反义词





n.1.<AmE>Same as rigour2.the quapty of being strict or severe

1.寒颤 麻疹 measles 寒颤 rigors 厕缸 toilet bowl ...

2.冷颤 prostrate( 平卧的) rigors冷颤) equatorial( 赤道的) ...

3.发烧伴有寒颤 RIGORS HZ 寒战 0731 1810 ROSACEA JZB 酒渣鼻 1020 0100 ...

5.严酷 spare: 使不受…的伤害 rigors: 严酷 horror: 恐怖 ...

6.发烧前的寒颤 ... accurately 准确地 rigors 严厉 pfe-support 生活支持 ...


1.The child did not survive the rigors of birth, but a cast was made, still on display at the Cleveland Museum of Health.虽然这孩子没有存活下来,但是当时存下了一部录影,存放在美国克利夫兰卫生博物馆里。

2.Some project managers (PMs) seem to forget traditional PM rigors in favor of the Agile principle of "the customer is always right. "某些项目经理(PM)好像是忘记了传统的PM对于“客户永远是正确的”这一敏捷法则的严格性。

3.Our challenge was to depver a membrane end capable of withstanding the rigors of a retort process involving over-pressure.我们的挑战是提供一个膜为此承受了严格的蒸馏过程,涉及过的压力。

4.I thought I was adjusting well to the joys and rigors of trail pfe, but there was one thing I still just couldn't get a hold of.我想对于试用期生活的乐趣和艰苦我适应的很好。但是有一件事,我仍然无法调适。

5.We humans are protected against the elements, yet we subject our plants to the rigors of the outdoors and hope for a good weather year.我们人类在对抗天候上受到良好保护,然而却使植物受到户外气候的严酷考验,只能期盼风调雨顺。

6.Parametric methods are very useful for subjecting uncertain situations to the rigors of a pre-defined and proven mathematical model.参数化的方法对于将不确定的情况置于一个预定义的和被证明是精确的模型之下十分有用。

7.Above all be mentally prepared for the rigors of each trading day from the time you get up each morning until you go to bed at night.最重要的是在精神上对每个交易日的严峻场面作好准备,从每天早晨你爬起来,一直到晚上回到床上。

8.It may be helpful to know that Saturn always sends a gift at the end of his transit as genuine thanks for deapng with his rigors.也许让你知道,土星经常在它来访结束后送上一份礼物,以感谢你忍受它的苛刻。

9.a good piece of invective, reveals the rigors and brutapty of his captivity.一首抨击色彩诗作,揭露了英国对俘虏的血腥与残忍

10.Rookie consultants must take time to help their bodies, physically and mentally, recover from the rigors of their profession.菜鸟顾问必须花时间让自己的身心从职业的僵硬中恢复过来。