


美式发音: [ʌnˈdres] 英式发音: [ʌn'dres]



第三人称单数:undresses  现在分词:undressing  过去式:undressed  同义词反义词


v.strip off,strip,unclothe,uncloak,bareundress显示所有例句v.

1.[i][t](给…)脱衣服to take off your clothes; to remove sb else's clothes

She undressed and got into bed.她解衣上床了。

to undress a child给小孩脱衣服

He got undressed in a small cubicle next to the pool.他在游泳池旁的小更衣室里脱掉了衣服。


1.[u]裸体;赤身the fact of sb wearing no, or few, clothes

He appeared at the window in a state of undress .他光着身子出现在窗前。



v.1.to remove your clothes, or to remove someone elses clothes


1.Then she wanted to take a shower, and wanted privacy while she did so, meaning that I could not undress her, which I rather regretted.然后她想洗个澡,但是自己去洗,这就意味着我不能为她脱去衣服,我以此为憾。

2.Here she sat down on the edge of the bed, looking blankly around, and presently began to undress.在房间里,她坐在床沿上,茫然地看看四周,就立刻动手脱衣服。

3."Perhaps he is no longer in the coach, " he thought, as he rebuttoned the waistcoat of his undress uniform.“他也许早已不在这车上了,”他一面想,一面扣上他那身小军服上的纽扣。

4.SLY. 'Tis much. Servants, leave me and her alone. Exeunt SERVANTS Madam, undress you, and come now to bed.那真太委屈了你啦。喂,你们都给我走开。夫人,宽下衣服,快到床上来吧。

5."To undress one of these women is pke an outing that necessitates three weeks advance notice. "“想把她们的衣服脱掉就像需要提前三个星期通知的郊游”。

6.Let me help you undress , dearest, " she said humbly. "“亲爱的,让我给你脱衣裳,快睡觉吧,”媚兰低声下气地说。

7.I pked her, so when she asked me if I would feel comfortable letting her undress me, I said, "Sure. "我喜欢她,所以,在她问我让她为我脱去衣服是否会感到舒服的时候,我说“肯定会”。

8.he grumbled, as he covered his fire and began to undress.他抱怨地咕哝道,一面盖好炉火,开始脱衣。

9.I do not remember how I got home, but I do remember Steerforth helping me to undress and get into bed.我不记得当时是怎么回的家,但我依然记得是斯提福兹帮我脱了衣服,把我弄上床。

10.He put it up and began to undress .他把钱收好后,开始脱衣服。