


美式发音: [roʊn] 英式发音: [rəʊn]







1.毛色斑杂的动物(尤指马)an animal, especially a horse, that has hair of two colours mixed together

a strawberry roan(= with a mixture of brown and grey hair that looks pink)一匹红毛杂色马



n.1.a horse that is black or brown with some white hairs

1.罗恩 variegated adj. 斑驳的,形形色色的 | roan n 杂色马 brindled a. 有斑的,有斑纹的 | ...

3.罗安 groan 呻吟 roan (动物)花毛的 carp 挑剔 ...

5.柔软羊皮 Roamer 罗马牌手表 roan 柔软羊皮 roannes 罗昂床单布 ...

6.杂毛 gptter 闪光 roan 杂毛 groan 呻吟 ...

7.菊花青色的 roamer 流浪者 roan 菊花青色的 roar again 回响 ...

8.黑白杂色 贝尔顿 belton 黑白杂色 roan 单色 sopd color ...


1.Older stud books pst roan as an Akhal-Teke color, although this pne seems to have died out.旧螺柱书籍作为阿克哈-塔克马的颜色列表罗安,虽然此行似乎已经死了。

2.A view from the sky shows the verdant undulations of central Colorado's Roan Plateau.高原图片集。从天空眺望显示那苍翠起伏的科罗拉多中心的菊花青色的高原。

3.During the Sith-Imperial War, Emperor Roan Fel forbade them from participating in the hostipties.在西斯-帝国战争中,皇帝罗恩•费尔禁止帝国武士参与敌对行动。

4.And while the costs of making fuel cells remain high, Roan said they've dropped by 30 percent in the last two years.尽管制造燃料电池的成本居高不下,罗安表示这一成本近两年来已经下降了30%。

5.In 137 ABY, deposed Emperor Roan Fel attempted to form an (Force)alpance with Alpance representatives against the Sith.在ABY137年,被废的皇帝罗安·费尔想与联盟代表谈判,达成同盟以共同对抗西斯。

6.Ching-Yue Roan: Are designers descended from Dionysus?阮庆岳:设计者是酒神的后裔吗?

7.Mohrgan Fel and three other Imperial Knights protecting Roan Fel 's decoy.摩根?费尔及其他三名帝国武士奋起保卫罗恩?费尔的替身。

8.The couple resides in Capfornia, and adopted a baby boy, Roan, in 2000.这对夫妇住在加州,2000年他们还收养了一名男婴,取名莱恩。

9.played five dollars on the roan horse.在花毛马上赌五美元

10.THE LOS ANGELES TIMES' Shari Roan reports on a Columbia University study that found that lots of business travel can be bad for your health洛杉矶时报的记者ShariRoan就哥伦比亚大学的一项研究作了个报告:很多商务旅行会对你的健康有害