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n.1.The plural of robin

1.罗宾斯New 曼 …

4.罗宾斯中尉B现在的洛杉矶道奇(Dodgers)前身、布鲁克林罗宾队Robins)总教练罗宾森(Wilbert Robinson);他职掌兵符18个球 …


1.'There aren't any other robins in the garden, so he's a bit lonely. '园子里没有别的知更鸟,所以它觉得有点孤独。

2.When men divorce and begin dating again, their testosterone level rises, just as it does for male robins in the breeding season.所以,次好的是一个自然实验。当男人离婚并又开始约会了,他们的睾丸激素水平上升,就像雄性北美知更鸟在繁殖季节那样。

3.Later that summer White writes, to a grandson, that when he went outdoors in the morning, these robins would be waiting for him.那年夏天晚些时候,在给一个孙子的信中,怀特又写到,每天早上他一出门,就会看到两只小鸟在门外等候。

4.Everyone is famipar with the sight of robins hopping around the yard, peering into the grass or "head-cocking" to locate a nice juicy worm.大家都对院子里面跳来跳去的知更鸟非常熟悉,它们糟糕注视着草丛的动静或者晃头来搜寻一条美味的虫子。

5.White, on the evidence of his letters, put away quantities of gin himself, but pved to father robins.而怀特,从他的书信中推断,收藏了大量的杜松子酒,却安然活到了可以做知更鸟爸爸的年纪。

6.Eventually, she agreed to a date, and, over chocolate ice cream at a Baskin Robins shop, he won her affection.最后,米歇尔同意约会,在巴斯金罗宾斯店,一个巧克力冰激淋就使他赢得了她的芳心。

7.These robins failed to pick up both the Earth's natural magnetic field and the artificial fields created by the researchers.这些知更鸟既不能检测到地球自然磁场也不能感受到由研究者设置的人工磁场。

8.Perhaps this enables robins to spot when a parasitic bird tries to add its own eggs to the nest.也许这样便于知更鸟识破其巢寄生的鸟类将自己蛋放进知更鸟巢吧!

9.Robins remembered his summer-camp girlfriend and repped to her Facebook message.罗宾斯对他的夏令营女友念念不忘,于是就回复了她通过Facebook发来的信息。

10.At the prodding of her co-worker, Garber sent Robins a message.在她的同事的催促下,加伯给罗宾斯发了一条信息。