




1.六月一日 ... June first. 六月一日 It is in January or February. 春节在一月或二月。 ...


1.On June first Michael Geisen will begin a year as a spokesman for education.六月一号起麦克尔将开始为期一年的教育发言人的生涯。

2.G. M. has until June first to offer a plan to the government if it is to receive new government loans.如果GM想获得美国政府新贷款,必须在6月1日之前向美国政府提供一项计划。

3.Field erection work (civil work) will begin in October this year and complete on June first next year.现场安装工作(土建工作)将自今年十月开始,明年六月一日完工。

4.We are looking to start this project immediately and require a June first launch of the website.我们希望能立即开始这个项目,并要求该网站6月首次发射。

5.Field erection work (civil work) will set on in October this year and on June first next year.现场装配办事(土建办事)将自本年十月首先至明年六月一日完工。

6.Field erection work (civil work) will get stfine art ed with in October this year every d complete on June first next year.现场安装工作(土建工作)将自本年十月开始至明年六月一日完工。

7.Mr. Wang arrived Shanghai June first on schedule.王先生将如期于六月一日抵达上海。

8.Field erection work (civil work) will come from October this year once well as on June first next year.现场安设事业(土建事业)将自本年十月开端至明年六月一日完工。

9.The government in June first implemented a cap on banks' foreign-exchange forward positions.韩国政府6月份时首先对银行的外汇远期头寸设定了限制。

10.May: Are you kidding? Children's Day of course! Didn't you know that? It's on June first, international children's day!你开什么玩笑?当然是儿童节啦!你不知道吗?六月一日,国际儿童节!