




1.张开你双腿 suspect is cited 见到疑犯了 spread your legs 张开你双腿 handcuffed 带上手铐 ...

2.伸展你的脚 ... put one leg out: 伸出一个脚 spread your legs: 伸展你的脚. do Chinese sppts: 分开腿 ...

3.把腿张开 Put your hands up over your head.|把手举到头上 Spread your legs.|把腿张开 ...


1.If it does charge at you, try to make yourself look as large as possible: Stick out your chest, raise your arms, and spread your legs.如果它向你扑来,尽量使自己看起来尽可能的强大:挺胸,举手,伸直两腿。

2.Lie down on this table (bed), please. Relax yourself, spread your legs apart.请躺在床上,放松,两腿分开。

3.Then spread your legs far apart and try to touch your toes with one hand at a time.然后,两腿分开,每次用一只手够另一侧脚趾。

4.You sigh heavily, and then you spread your legs a pttle, lean forward, and grab hold of your legs just above your ankles.你叹息着,然后微微分开你的双腿,身体向前倾,然后抓住你脚踝的上面。

5.Spread your legs apart and have your woman get on her knees in front of you.分开双腿让你女友跪在你前面。

6.Please spread your legs a pttle for me.请把你的双腿稍微分开一点站着。

7.Lift your head and spread your legs.抬起你的头,张大双腿