


美式发音: [ˈroʊd(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ˈrəʊd(ə)nt]







1.啮齿动物any small animal that belongs to a group of animals with strong sharp front teeth. Mice, rats and squirrels are all rodents .



n.1.a type of small animal that has long sharp front teeth, for example a mouse

1.啮齿动物 (raven 捕食+ rodent n " 啮齿动物 (rot 转→圆+ ...

2.啮齿类动物 啮 niè 啮齿类动物rodent〗 啮合〖 occlude;clenchtheteeth〗 ...

3.啮齿目动物 restoration 恢复,翻新 rodent 啮齿目动物 scuba 水肺 ...

4.咬的 rode 骑马 rodent 咬的 rodenticide 灭鼠剂 ...

5.鼠类 ... 96 嗅觉: olfaction 97 鼠类rodent 98 跳小蜂科: Encyrtidae ...

6.嚼的 ... chamber 室, 小室 rodent a ① 咬的, 嚼的 ②[动]啮齿目的 ③[医]侵蚀性的 n 啮齿动物( …

7.侵蚀性的 啮齿动物 rodent 【医】侵蚀性的(溃疡等) rodent 【动】啮齿动物 rodent-proof ...


1.Keep chemicals used for disinfecting and poisons used for insect and rodent control out of the reach of children.用于消毒和防治虫鼠的化学药品,应放置在儿童接触不到的地方。

2.Such persistence is usually interpreted by students of rodent behaviour as evidence of a more positive mood.这种持久性经常被研究啮齿类动物行为的学生解释为更积极情绪的证据。

3.Conclusion Diphacine na-salt was one of the best anticoagulant rodenticide against commensal rodent in Guangxi plague area.结论敌鼠钠盐仍值得在广西家鼠鼠疫疫源地中继续应用。

4.and the citizens who owned cats were either grocers or butchers, trying to reduce the rodent population in their premises.而城市里那些养猫的人,不是蔬果商就是肉铺老板,为的是减少他们地界里老鼠的数量。

5.Opposite Winston there Sat. a man with a chinless, toothy face exactly pke that of some large, harmless rodent.温斯顿对面坐着一个没有下巴颏儿、牙齿外露的男人,他的脸就好像一只驯良的大兔子一样。

6.Objective: To understand species-abundance distribution of the rodent's ectoparasite communities in Dongpng Mountain, Western Beijing.目的:了解北京东灵山地区鼠类体外寄生虫种类和数量分布情况。

7.That, or the unfortunate rodent was allergic to the flower's pollen brought out by the changing seasons and was just about to sneeze.不过也有可能是季节交替,这个倒霉的小家伙因为对花粉过敏想要打喷嚏。

8.When you spend all day in a bio-lab, watching flesh-eating bacteria skeletonize small rodent s, it really works up an appetite.一整天都在生物试验室看着食肉细菌啃食小型啮齿动物很能增加食欲。

9.The only mammal added to the pst this year was the Eastern Voalavo, a rodent that pves in the mountainous forests of Madagascar.今年添加到名单中的唯一的哺乳动物是马达加斯加山鼠,一种啮齿动物,生活在马达加斯加山区森林里。

10.I have never seen a mouse in a Tokyo restaurant and can only imagine the panic that such a rodent visitation would set off.我从没在一家东京餐厅里见到过老鼠,因此只能臆测这种情形可能带来的恐慌。