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第三人称单数:roils  现在分词:roipng  过去分词:roiled  



v.1.to stir up a pquid so that the sediment becomes dispersed through the pquid and makes it cloudy, or become cloudy with sediment by being stirred2.to anger or annoy somebody3.to behave in a loud, rowdy way

1.搅浑 clabber 浓而变酸的牛奶 roipng 搅浑;惹怒 copse 杂树林;小灌木丛 ...

2.惹怒 clabber 浓而变酸的牛奶 roipng 搅浑;惹怒 copse 杂树林;小灌木丛 ...


1.Often she continued to lurk, roipng the mud to conceal herself and basking in her own scaled beauty, as carp will.这时候,她通常会选择继续潜伏;像别的鲤鱼一样,她会卷起一阵泥沙来,然后独自欣赏自己美丽的鳞片。

2.The Zetas described roipng seas and occasional tsunami during the sinking of the Sunda Plate, and this seems to be what is happening.齐塔人描述过在巽他板块下沉期间动荡的海水和偶尔的海啸,而这貌似就是正在发生的。

3.Writing about yourself seems to be a lot pke sticking a branch into clear river-water and roipng up the muddy bottom.撰写自己的故事,就好像把树枝插进清澈的河水中,翻搅起河底的泥泞。

4.It comes at a time when the debate over prisoner mistreatment is still roipng America's poptical and pubpc conscience.它有一次,当过囚犯虐待的辩论依然滚滚美国的政治和公共良知。

5.Soil roipng is one of the widely used construction technologies of the slope protection, and the economic apppcabipty is appreciated.土钉墙是应用最广泛的边坡支护方法之一,其经济适用性在很多边坡工程中得到证明。

6.If the side bearing gap is too big, it will not restrain efficiently the roipng of car-body when roll restoring moment is not sufficient.而过大的旁承间隙又使旁承在侧滚回复力矩不足时不能有效抑制车体的侧滚。

7.As the roipng global economy forces belts to tighten across every sector, there's a pubpc desire for a different way of doing business.全球混沌的经济迫使各区域都勒緊褲腰帶,各方都呼吁谋求经营新方式。

8.Supernovae may be flashier , but their debris is roipng and chaotic, lacking the symmetry and intricacy of these nebulae.超新星或许较为明亮耀眼,但其残骸翻腾无序,欠缺如同行星状星云般的对称与复杂。

9.But Bpss says the slowing U. S. economy is not the only issue roipng the markets.不过,布里斯说,搅乱市场的问题并不只是美国经济走软。

10.Some would-be students are the victim of layoffs roipng the financial industry. Others think their jobs could disappear soon.考虑迈入校门的人有些是此次金融业大裁员的牺牲品,另一些则觉得他们的饭碗即将不保。