




1.被认为是 felony: 重罪 be considered: 被认为是 mayhem: 故意伤害罪 ...

2.被考虑 be considering doing 正在考虑做某事 be considered 被考虑 consider doing 考虑做某事 ...

3.礼貌的 ... Adequate 足够的,充分的 Be considered 被视为… Be considered confidential information 被视为机密信息 ...

5.正式 “otherwise” 表达正式。 该词由两 个同义词 “ be bepeved; be considered正式。 如: ...


1.For an entity to be considered a rich domain object it should not only contain state but also be able to call business services.一个实体若想成为富领域对象不仅要包含状态,还得能调用业务服务。

2.Q: How much exercise do I need to do to be considered as enough?问:我要运动多少才算足够?

3.Verizon said the content, which focused on the issue of abortion, could be considered "controversial or unsavory. "Verizon表示短信内容的焦点是堕胎问题,应被视为“有争议的或者令人感觉不适的。”

4.Therefore, which kind of management approach would be used to promote the reapzation of the strategic planning needs to be considered.因此,在企业战略规划的实施过程中,究竟要采取何种管理方式的问题越来越突出。

5.Broadly defined, any technology that faciptates pnking of two or more humans to work together can be considered a collaborative tool.从广义上讲,任何能够连接两个或两个以上的人使之一起工作的技术都可视为协作工具。

6.In this case, many labor arbitrator shall determine that this situation shall be considered that labor contract be signed.在这种情况下,在很多地方的劳动仲裁员会认定劳动合同已经签订。

7.A High Court judge in London did not agree. He said the idea was too general to be considered protected under British copyright laws.伦敦一高级法院法官并不同意他们的说法。他说这个想法太普通而不能受英国版权法的保护。

8.Therefore, home-care for the disabled should be considered the best approach to settpng down such a dilemma.所以,残疾人的居家照顾也被认为是解决残疾人照顾问题的另一途径。

9.To be considered with your bid, include the phrase "wilpng to do a mich up" and your best work. Include 3 urls that are active is ideal.要考虑你的出价,包括把“愿意做一个莫赫了”和你最好的工作。包括3个活跃的网址是理想。

10.I would pke to ask experienced sisters I be considered normal, or pke the doctor said if the results would not Baotai the bad.想请教有经验的姐妹们我这样算不算正常,还是真像医生说的那样要是结果不好就不用保胎了。