


美式发音: [ˈpɪrləs] 英式发音: [ˈpɪə(r)ləs]








1.无双的;杰出的;出众的better than all others of its kind

a peerless performance出色的表演


adj.1.better than anyone or anything else

1.无与伦比 Venus 维纳斯 美神。 Peerless 无与伦比。 Queen 女王。 ...

2.无可匹敌的 peer 同等之人,同辈 peerless 无可匹敌的 peeve 使气恼,怨恨 ...

3.比尔莱斯业的环保理念,以其开发的高性能、高品质、高档次的的比尔莱斯PEERLESS)智能型电动自行车率先占据了欧洲市场, …

4.无比的 ... peeress 贵族夫人 peerless 无比的 peeve 惹恼 ...

5.无与伦比的 peer v. 窥视 peerless adj. 无与伦比的 penal adj. 刑事的,受刑罚的 ...

6.出类拔萃的 peer n. 同等的人;贵族 peerless adj. 出类拔萃的,无可匹敌的 peeve v. 使气恼,怨恨 ...

7.无双的 翠绿的" Emerald ..." 无双的" Peerless ..." 野蛮的…" Savage ..." ...


1.You see that it had complained about her to use her notebook on the Internet, the website message? I was peerless.呀,这都怨姐姐,来,用姐姐的笔记本上网吧,我正在无双的网站看帖子呢。

2.There was an early screening we had, a group came from Peerless, who have done the effects on my films.早先有过一个试映会,一个从Peerless来的小组为电影做了特效。

3.She may be a bit more sophisticated these days, but she's still peerless , and still fearless.这些日子她可能变得更为老练了,但她仍然是出类拔萃并且无畏的。

4.If the dress is an extravagant feast, then a handbag in hand must be soul of it, so that the peerless feast is depcate and gorgeous.如果说正装是一场豪奢的盛宴,那么手边这款箱包必是点睛的松露与番红花,让这绝世珍馐丰富而绚烂。

5.and then praised for his book, as in his character, depcate features free and natural, imposing unrestrained, exquisite peerless.接着赞扬他的书作如他的人品,清秀超逸,气势奔放,精妙绝伦。

6.The old horse to drink a lot of wine, the ladies: how, in the face today, in the presence of peerless ask, What I see is not training him.老马喝了不少酒,脸红脖子粗的说:怎么,今天当着无双的面问问,看看我究竟是不是培养过他。

7.And the last purpose of the game is to defeat other inns and become first in capital, even peerless famous shop.而游戏的最后目的便是打败其他客栈,成为京城第一,甚至天下第一的名店。

8.Once upon a time, tax badge, in mother's face shine up peerless in bright.曾几何时,税徽,在母亲的面庞中照耀起绝无仅有的光辉!

9.Its brilpant colors, the idea gives to the U. S. , the U. S. enjoy, can play a wonderful peerless artistic atmosphere.它的色彩亮丽,给人以美的遐思、美的享受,能渲染出美妙绝伦的艺术气氛。

10.Kick off your visit with a trip to the peerless Giza pyramids on the western edge of Cairo.请从城西边缘的吉萨金字塔开始你的开罗之旅吧。