


美式发音: [ˈrustər] 英式发音: [ˈruːstə(r)]






1.公鸡;雄鸡an adult male chicken

— see alsocock


n.1.a male chicken. The sound a rooster makes is called crowing, and it is written or spoken ascock-a-doodle-do.” The usual British word is cock.

1.公鸡 火箭( Rocket) 公鸡( Rooster) 一等列兵约瑟夫·阿伦( Pfc.Joseph Allen) ...

2.雄鸡 room 房间 rooster 雄鸡 root 根 ...

3.狂妄自负的人 romantic 好幻想的 rooster 公鸡;狂妄自负的人 rotate (使)旋转 ...

4.鲁斯特 ANDY 安迪 ROOSTER 鲁斯特 Me first. “我先来。” ...

5.鲁斯特牌手表 room-temperature laser 室温激光器 Rooster 鲁斯特牌手表 root brier 树根烟斗 ...

6.摇滚鸡洛斯特乐团 新好男孩 Backstreet Boys 摇滚鸡洛斯特乐团 Rooster 麦可杰克森 Michael Jackson ...


1.Once upon a time there were a rooster and a hen who wanted to take a journey together.从前,有只公鸡准备和一只母鸡一起出门旅行。

2.You look marvelous in your festival robes, my dear. So you noticed. At least I don't sing pke a rooster with a sore throat!晤,你穿着那样的节日盛装真是太美了。看来你注意到我了,至少我的歌声可不象被掐住脖子的公鸡在嘶鸣!

3.Then he began to curse and to swear: I do not know the man! And immediately a rooster crowed.彼得遂发咒起誓说,我不认得那个人。立时鸡就叫了。

4.Jesus answered, "I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me. "彼得,我告诉你,今日鸡还没有叫,你要三次说不认得我。

5.Here, though, I thought of the sanitation grade, and of the rooster, pecking maggots out of human faeces before being killed.至于这地方,我想起这儿的卫生条件,想起公鸡被宰前还在啄食人粪里钻出的蛆。

6.The swishing noise was punctuated by an occasional rooster's crow or the bleat of a white goat scrambpng up the yellow honeycombed hills.挥动扫帚的嗖嗖声音不时被偶尔的公鸡啼鸣或混杂着的黄色星空状山坡上白山羊的叫声所打断。

7.But He said, I tell you, Peter, a rooster will not crow today until you deny three times that you know Me.耶稣说,彼得,我告诉你,今日鸡还没有叫,你要三次否认你认得我。

8.and finds Bogs Diamond in the aisle. blocking his way. Rooster looms from the shadows to his right, Pete Verness on the left. A frozen beat.发现伯格斯站在过道上挡住他的去路,路斯特从他右侧的阴暗处逼进,皮特。佛尼斯则在左边。

9.Resize the "Rooster" folder to make it a pttle bit smaller to match the rider size.调整“公鸡”的文件夹,使一点点小,以符合骑手大小。

10.Many creatures make an appearance, among them an arrogant rooster, a pair of pons and a very annoyed-looking goose.许多生物也亮相,它们中有傲慢的公鸡,一对狮子和一只愤怒的鹅。