




1.罗莎·帕克斯 explode vt&vi (使)爆炸 △Rosa Parks 罗莎·帕克斯(女名) △Alabama 亚拉巴马(美国 …

2.罗萨·帕克斯 萨奇·佩吉( Satchel Paige) 罗萨·帕克斯( Rosa Parks) 杰夫·赛辛斯( Jeff Sessions) ...

3.罗莎派克斯扬的709游行事件,让我联想起曾看某专栏作者所写的罗莎派克斯Rosa Parks)小故事,在此与各位分享:50年前,美国还 …

4.罗莎帕克思年十二月一日阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市,NAACP 成员帕克斯女士Rosa Parks)不照规定坐在公车上有色人种区且拒绝离座因 …


1.Yeah, yeah. . . You know what, you know what. Unpke Rosa Parks, you mum loused in the back of a bus.是啊,是啊…你知道,你知道。不像罗莎•帕克斯,她就应该被拖在公共汽车后面。

2.Rosa Parks received two of the nation's highest honors for her civil rights activism.罗莎.帕克斯由于她在民权运动的杰出贡献而获得两项国家最高荣誉。

3.I am not Rosa Parks, but I admire her, because she had the courage to break a law that was not right.虽然我不是罗莎·帕克斯,但我很钦佩她,她有勇气反抗不公正的法律。

4.Rosa Parks and three other black people were seated in the middle area of the bus when a white person got on the bus and wanted a seat.罗莎.帕克斯和其他三个黑人坐在中间,此时有一个白人上了公交车,想要一个坐位。

5.FAITH LAPIDUS: Martin Luther King's pfe as a civil rights leader began with the famous protest by Rosa Parks in nineteen fifty-nine.信拉皮迪:马丁路德金的民权作为一个领导者的生活开始与由罗莎帕克斯在一九五九年著名的抗议。

6.Rosa Parks held no elected office, she possessed no fortune, pved her pfe far from the formal seats of power.罗莎·帕克斯没有当选的办公室,她的一生没有坐拥财富,她的生活远离权力。

7.Civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks was born Rosa Louise McCauley in Tuskegee, Ala.年,民权先锋罗莎·帕克斯在阿拉巴马州塔斯基吉RosaLouiseMcCauley出生。

8.Today, we tell about Rosa Parks, who has been called the mother of the American civil rights movement.今天,我们向你介绍被人尊称为美国民权运动之母的罗莎.帕克斯。

9.Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into law with Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks in attendance.约翰逊总统在马丁·路德·金和罗萨·帕克斯双双在场的情况下签署了《1965选举法案》。

10.Who was Rosa Parks, the woman who helped spark the civil rights movement of the 1960s?引发1960年代民权运动的罗莎.帕克斯究竟是谁呢?