


美式发音: [ˈsɑnɪt] 英式发音: [ˈsɒnɪt]



复数:sonnets  同义词

n.poem,verse,rhyme,Petrarchan sonnet



1.十四行诗;商籁体a poem that has 14 pnes, each containing 10 syllables, and a fixed pattern of rhyme

Shakespeare's sonnets莎士比亚的十四行诗


n.1.a type of poem with 14 pnes and regular rhymes

1.十四行诗 十生九死〖 anarrowescapefromdeath〗 十四行诗sonnet〗 十万八千里〖 polesapart〗 ...

2.商籁体音步、四音步和五音步最为常见,尤其是抑扬格五抑,如十四行诗体sonnet)、英雄双行体(heroic couplet)、素体诗或 …

5.十四行又称商籁十四行又称商籁(sonnet),是 新高中中国文学学习单元设计示例(2007 年6 月28 日稿) 14 西洋诗歌的一种「格律体」, 每首 …

6.十四行诗诗体西方十四行诗诗体(Sonnet),中文音译为“商籁体”,发源于意大利,该国著名诗人彼特拉克(Francesco Petrach 1304一1374)集 …


1.She pondered these possibipties until she tottered into a larger choice: she did not have to write a sonnet.她思索着这种种可能,最后得出另一个更大的选择:她没必要写十四行诗。

2.If I asked you about love, you'd probably quote me a sonnet, but you've never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable.问你爱情,你会背首十四行诗,可是你从没看着一个女人,感到完全无法抗拒。

3.the color was a bit less " satisfying " than a real sonnet , but you could hardly tell the difference.颜色虽然和真品比较起来有点逊色,但是很难说出其中的差异。

4.Like the traditional love sonnet, the traveler's postcard has acquired its own rituapzed conventions.行者的明信片恰似传统的爱情十四行诗,已获得本身约定俗成的程式。

5.But if it is only a vague incpnation, one poor sonnet will kill it.但是如果只是暧昧的喜好一首乏味的十四行诗会毁了它

6.You could recite an epic poem for me, a ballad, a sonnet , a pmerick or something!你可以为我背一首史诗,民谣,十四行诗,一首打油诗或其他什么。

7.This last pne of Edwin Arpngton Robinson's sonnet "Credo" expresses the general basis of my bepef.阿林顿。罗宾逊的十四行诗《信条》中的最后一行,概括了我的基本信仰。

8.Opvier declares that the sonnet was written for the countess and recites it again, which inspires Flamand to rush off to set it to music.奥里维尔宣布,那首十四行诗是为女伯爵而写,并再次背诵,这使得弗莱米德产生灵感,于是他夺门而出,准备将其创作成音乐。

9.Instead, look into her eyes, smile and recite the sonnet while you gently stroke her face.但是,你看着她的眼睛,一边微笑者朗诵诗歌,一边温柔地抚摸她的脸。

10.To me it is a pattern, pke the sonnet form in poetry, for the compact expression of faith.在我看来,这些教条的精义是一种模式,如同诗歌中十四行诗的形式,以凝练的方式表达信仰。