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1.罗斯 BELL ROSS 柏莱士 : 0.13 % ROSS 柏莱士 柏莱士男表 : 0.13 % TUDOR 帝陀 帝陀男表 : 0.13 % ...

3.密歇根大学罗斯商学院 ... 加利福尼亚州伯克利市( Berkeley, CA ) 密歇根大学罗斯商学院( Michigan: Ross) 密歇根州安娜堡市( Ann Ar…

4.洛斯 CARVER/ 卡维 ROSS/ 洛斯 HAFLER/ 哈福 ...

5.罗丝在雄性罗丝Ross)肉鸡日粮中添加植物提取物(Orego-Stim 好力高,Meriden UK提供),试验中一半肉鸡在3日龄时进行Par…

6.罗尔思罗尔思 (ROSS) C21D-18 3位总控大功率插座 1.8米京东价: 罗尔思 (ROSS) C21D-30 3位总控大功率插座 3米 京东价: 罗尔 …

7.罗士其中芬茨尔(Fenzelr)注重汉唐陶俑以及唐三彩等雕塑性物品之收藏,罗士Ross)注重陶器、瓷器等物品之收藏。国内藏家 …


1.The dog he bought in London from Ross and Mangles, the dealers in Fulham Road. It was the strongest and most savage in their possession.那狗是他从伦敦福莱姆街的贩狗商人罗斯和曼格斯那里买来的,是他们所有的货色之中最强壮、最凶恶的一只了。

2.'Studge' wasn't bad at all, he's got a good voice on him, Yuri is quite a shy lad but great abipty and Ross as well.斯图里奇唱得一点也不差,他的声音很好听。尤里是个相当害羞的小伙子,不过他的能力十分出色,罗斯也是。

3.The institute's Dr Ross Grant said the results would be used to give teenagers positive messages about healthy eating.协会的RossGrant博士说这个结果能用来教导青少年注意健康饮食。

4.Ross toured 25 regional Disney Channels around the globe two years ago, trying to convince them of HSM's potential.Rose两年前走遍迪斯尼的25个频道试图让他们相信歌舞青春的潜力。

5.'Mr Ross wants to see you and your daughter now, Mrs Sanders, 'she said Follow me, please. '“罗斯先生现在想见见你和你的女儿,桑德斯夫人。”她说,“请跟我来。”

6.Ross : And then, pke three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, and peed all over the crossword.罗斯:有连续三天它比我先拿到报纸,然后就在填字游戏那部分上面撒尿。

7.Ross , check it out : hockey tickets , Rangers- Penguins, tonight at the Garden, and we're taking you .罗斯,看呐:冰球票,骑兵队对企鹅队,今晚在花园体育场,一块去吧。

8.Ross: I am with you on Angel. But Alec loved her. And he proposed to her as well. Tess refused him.关于安玑,我同意你的看法。但是亚雷爱她。而且他也求婚了。苔丝拒绝了。

9.Ross points out that Phoebe's never been in a long term relationship, which freaks her out just as she leaves on a date with Mike.罗斯说菲比从未全心投入一段稳定长期的感情,正要出门跟迈克约会的菲比闻听此言,大惊失色。

10.For Thanksgiving, Janine invites Joey and Ross to hang out with her and her dancer friends, but they have to eat dinner at Monica's first.感恩节之夜,Janine邀请乔伊、罗斯和她的跳舞的朋友们共度,他们决定先到莫妮卡那里就餐。