


美式发音: [ˈrɑtɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈrɒtɪŋ]









rotting显示所有例句v.— see alsorotten

1.[i][t](使)腐烂,腐败变质to decay, or make sth decay, naturally and gradually

rotting leaves渐渐腐烂的叶子

The window frame had rotted away completely.窗框已经完全烂掉了。

prisoners thrown in jail and left to rot投入大牢后就无人过问的囚犯

Too much sugar will rot your teeth.吃糖太多,就会出现蛀牙。


1.腐烂;腐败变质the process or state of decaying and falpng apart

The wood must not get damp as rot can quickly result.木头不能受潮,否则很快就会烂掉。

2.形势恶化used to describe the fact that a situation is getting worse

The rot set in last year when they reorganized the department.去年他们重组这个部门时,衰败就开始了。

The team should manage to stop the rot if they play well this week.如果球队本周比赛表现好,他们应该能够阻止形势的恶化。

3.废话;胡说nonsense; silly things that sb says

Don't talk such rot!别说这样的废话!


adj.1.in the process of decaying

v.1.The present participle of rot

1.腐烂 10. Sick of Me 生病的我 11. Rotting 腐烂 12. Do Da Da 哒哒哒 ...

2.腐败 rotifers 轮虫类 rotting 腐败 rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum 粗面内质网 ...

3.腐朽 ... Cockroaches 蟑螂 rotting 腐朽 n. 爬行,蠕动;徐徐行进 ...

4.腐烂空气 ... Wu Li 吴莉 Rotting 腐烂空气 The Best 最佳悲观 ...

5.腐烂了的 3. unpicked 未采摘的 4. rotting 腐烂了的 5. bend = turn 转弯 ...

6.风化 ... rotational spde 旋转滑动 rotting 风化;分解 rough angular quarrystone 棱角状粗糙料石 ...

7.分解 ... rotational spde 旋转滑动 rotting 风化;分解 rough angular quarrystone 棱角状粗糙料石 ...


1.It accumulates in the body resulting in nails rotting, dark spots, bleeding sores, swelpng, large warts and a form of gangrene.进入人体后,会造成指甲腐烂,身体上出现黑斑,皮肤溃疡,水肿,疣,坏疽等现象。

2.The demon took another stride forward, carrying with it a smell of rotting fish. It pointed a claw-pke finger at his chest.魔鬼又往前迈了一步,带着一股腐烂的鱼的味道。它用鳌一样的手指指着自己的胸膛。

3.How much methane and carbon dioxide might be released from the rotting permafrost?一个腐烂的永久冻土层将释放出多少甲烷和二氧化碳?

4.Rotting teeth and gums. Diseased lungs. A sewn-up corpse of a smoker. Cigarette smoke coming out of the tracheotomy hole in a man's neck.腐烂的牙齿和牙龈,病变的肺,吸烟者被缝合上的尸体,从男人脖子上的气管套管洞中飘出的烟。

5.Do not associate with bad people. They may spoil you as a rotting apple spoils the apples next to it in the barrel.不要和坏人交往,他们可能象烂苹果破坏一个桶中它旁边的渐渐腐烂的苹果一样损坏你。

6.There would have to have been a dead animal rotting in one corner for it to have been otherwise.除非房间角落里有一只死去的动物正在腐烂,否则就没问题。

7.It's only a small house and it would be intolerable to keep rotting food waste indoors until the next collection.这只是一间小房子,而要把腐败中的厨馀留在室内直到下一次收垃圾时,会令人难以忍受。

8.If a portion of a Redwood is rotting, the Redwood will send roots into its own form and draw nutrients out of itself as it falls apart.如果红杉有一部分在腐烂,红杉就会将这些根收回体内在它溃坏的同时吸收其营养。

9.The air circulation allows the tomatoes to ripen slowly, without rotting , so they are ready to eat by Christmas.空气流通能使西红柿慢慢地成熟,而不会腐烂,这样在圣诞节的时候就可以吃了。

10.They show, among other things, rotting teeth, a man with a hole in his throat, a dead body and a despairing child.这些形象中,有变坏的牙齿、喉咙有洞的人、一具尸体和一个表情绝望的孩子。