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na.Jean Jacques 卢梭



na.1.Rousseau , Jean Jacques 卢梭


2.卢骚在哲学家卢骚(Rousseau)朴素的自然思潮和废墟画家于柏特.罗伯尔(Hubert Robert)的影响下,法国候爵佶拉尔丹(Girardin)将 …

3.鲁索我们可能还记得鲁索Rousseau)写情书的处方,他说:“要写一封好的情书,你当从不知道要为什么来开始;并且在结束时, …

4.罗梭早期道德与宗教的联系仍有迹可寻,如罗梭(Rousseau)也认为需要一种「公民宗教」。但较彻底的无神论者开始提倡,伦理学 …

5.卢素卢素(Rousseau)等人认为,心理契约 是个体对其与组织之间相互交换关系中彼此义务的一系列信念。而且, 这种信念只是雇员个 …

6.法国经理鲁索中兴手机部法国经理鲁索Rousseau)说,我们的目标是占到法国市场8%~10%的份额,争取名列前五名。这一目标包括3G …



1.He read Rousseau, and in fact, the only picture of a philosopher he had in his room was of him.他读了卢梭,而事实上,一个哲学家,他在自己的房间里只有他的照片了。

2.Rousseau would have made a sounder contribution towards a theory of the state, if he had always kept this distinction in sight.如果他能够坚执这种区别,卢梭对政治学说会有更深邃的贡献。

3.Poor human nature! What would become of a person's dignity if it were entrusted to the followers of Rousseau?劣等的人类本性!如果把公共权力交与这些卢梭的追随者们,人的尊严何在?

4.If you do not by their inherent order, they are consecutive words are: Rousseauian (Rousseau), Rousseau was a great French thinkers.如果不按它们固有的顺序,它们连续出现的单词是:Rousseauian(卢梭的),Rousseau是一位伟大的法国思想家。

5.At the end of his text, Rousseau poses the same problem that confronted Gulpver in talking to his horses.在文章的结尾,鲁索指出了和格列佛与马对话的相同问题。

6.The proprietor had a fine nickname: he was called Rousseau the Aquatic.那老板有个漂亮的绰号,人们称他为“水旅卢梭”。

7.Classical pberal tradition, Rousseau, and Locke's concept of Justice in the family characteristics of a typical pberal.古典自由主义传统中,卢梭和洛克的家庭正义观具有典型的自由主义特征。

8.This paper elaborates the integrity of Rousseau's poptical philosophy, and virtue theory has always been through his poptical philosophy.要想领会卢梭政治哲学思想,必须看到他哲学思想的整体性与张力。

9.Jean-Jacques Rousseau's assertion that citizens must be forced to be free has been characterised as a seed of tyranny.让-雅克•卢梭(Jean-JacquesRousseau)认为公民必须被强迫享有自由的主张,历来被形容为一粒暴政的种子。

10.Just as Rousseau says, man is born with freedom but is chained in the fetters. I-Tow to break up various fetters?诚如卢梭所言,人生而自由但无往而不在枷锁之中,如何打破人自身各种各样的枷锁?