



美式发音: [rut] 英式发音: [ruːt]




复数:routes  现在分词:routeing  过去式:routed  搭配同义词

v.+n.take route,follow route,plan route

adj.+n.same route,direct route,circuitous route,indirect route,normal route





1.路线;路途a way that you follow to get from one place to another

Which is the best route to take?哪一条是最佳路线?

Motorists are advised to find an alternative route.建议驾驶者换一条路线。

a coastal route沿海的路线

the quickest route from Florence to Rome从佛罗伦萨到罗马的最快捷的路线

an escape route逃脱的路径

2.(公共汽车和列车等的)常规路线,固定线路a fixed way along which a bus, train, etc. regularly travels or goods are regularly sent

The house is not on a bus route .这房子不在公交线上。

shipping routes航运线路

a cycle route(= a path that is only for cyclists )自行车道

3.~ (to sth)途径;渠道a particular way of achieving sth

the route to success成功之路

4.(用于美国干线公路号码前)used before the number of a main road in the US

Route 6666 号公路


1.~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)按某路线发送to send sb/sth by a particular route

Satellites route data all over the globe.卫星向全球各地传递信息。



n.1.a way that buses, trains, ships, or airplanes travel regularly; the roads or paths that you use when you go from one place to another2.a way of doing something that produces a particular result3网站屏蔽ed with a number as the name of a major road between cities in the U.S.

v.1.to send someone or something along a particular route

1.路由 2.ladder 梯子 3.routes n. 航线 4.chase 追赶,追求 ...

5.途径 "route" 线路" #: "routes" 线路" #: "Sequence" 顺序" #: ...

7.路由规则 enum audio_mode 模式 enum audio_routes 路径类型 enum stream_type …


1.In modern logistic business, the optimizing in the transportation routes has always been a focus problem.在现代物流中,配送中心的运输路径知何优化一直是热点问题。

2.As for buses, they do exist, but only the poor seem to be on them and routes are being cancelled for budgetary reasons.不过乘车的似乎都是穷人,并且由于预算原因,路线被取消了。

3.With all of the money they would save on the bus routes and utilities, they said it was the right thing to do.这样可以从校车和设施费用当中节约一笔钱来,所以他们认为这样做是对的。

4.If two or more routes are available with the same cost , the load is distributed as equally as possible between them .如果同一开销有两个或多个路由可用,则在它们之间尽可能均匀地分配负载。

5.He retraced the junks' routes around the globe and found shoreside marker stones, carved in a host of Asian languages, all over the world.他重新寻访船队在世界各地走过的路并发现了港岸边的标记石,上面依然还有当时所刻的大量亚洲文字,这种情形遍布全世界。

6.The group says the trade is often closely linked to organized crime, and follows the same routes as those used to smuggle drugs and people.这个组织说交易往往与有组织的猎杀紧密相联,他们与走私毒品和人口的团体行动的路线相同。

7.Routes messages for the children of the specified control to each control rather than to a parent designer.将所指定控件的子级的消息路由到每个控件而不是路由到父级设计器。

8.Our ability to climb fast provided much more flexibility in our egress routes and made our actions much less predictable to the enemy.我们的快速爬升能力使得我们的离场路线可以更为复杂,令敌人更加无法预测我们的活动路线。

9.Previously, planes and ships had to stop over in a third city, adding needless hours to the routes used by some 5 million Taiwanese a year.此前,飞机和船只必须经停第三方城市,路上了许多不必要的时间,而年约有500万台湾人经走路线。

10.The boat rides all take different routes, but they all end up in the same place.乘船旅行都走不同的路线,但都在相同的地方结束。