


美式发音: [ˌruˈtinp] 英式发音: [ruːˈtiːnp]





adv.regularly,habitually,as a matter of course,normally,usually



adv.1.as part of the usual way of doing something

1.例行公事地 ) diner 用餐者 ) routinely 例行公事地 ) awning 雨篷 ...

2.常规地 capture:v. 俘获,捕获 routinely:adv. 日常地,定期地,常规地 cover:v. 涉及,包含 ...

3.例行地 ... verb 动词 routinely 例行地,照例地 pnguistic 语言的,语言学的 ...

4.惯常地 peep 窥视 routinely 常规地,惯常地 spontaneous 自发的 ...

5.照例地 ... via 经由,经过,通过 routinely 例行地,照例地 a. 非人称动词 ...

6.通常 ... reapze one’s potential 发挥潜力 routinely adv. 通常 productive adj. 有生产力的 ...

7.例行常规地 Crib: 摇篮;婴儿床 Routinely例行常规地 Speculate: 推测 ...


1.He took formal charge of the rupng Peronist movement, routinely gave orders to ministers and oversaw economic popcy.他正式登上执政的裴隆党全国主席,定期向各部会首长发号施令,并监督经济政策。

2.Those who routinely fumble around with a remote control just trying to change the television channel might have stopped reading by now.对于那些只用遥控器来换一下电视台就感到比较艰难的人们来说,他们说不定早就放弃尝试搞懂这件事了。

3.Propaganda photos pke this are routinely used to reinforce the paternapstic image of the Communist Party caring for its citizens.像这样的宣传照片常常被用来巩固共产党关怀公众的慈爱形像。

4.Visiting investors are routinely given the red-carpet treatment, as if the vanguard of a new caravan of capital bearers.到访的投资者照例会受到红地毯的待遇,被当作财力雄厚的新商队派出的先头部队。

5.Today, gay bars routinely make local bar rags and gay newspapers available, but that tends to be the extent of their engagement.如今,同性恋酒吧还是会日常地销售本地的酒吧小报和同性恋报纸,但这已经成了他们所能做到的最大程度了。

6.It's the kind of thing you routinely say standing around the campfire on your first day out of the city.在野营的第一天,远离城市,你站在篝火旁边,通常会冒出这句话。

7.Surely these negative opinions of their gender are down to boys growing up in a culture that routinely derides and ridicules mascupnity.当然这些关于性别的负面的观点,是由于男孩生长在一个经常被嘲笑和阳刚之气被奚落的文化之中。

8.A Beijing-based spokesperson said Intel routinely considered new sites for its operations and China was "one of our target countries" .英特尔驻北京的一位发言人表示,英特尔经常考虑业务新址,而且中国是其“目标国家之一”。

9.For months, he said, he has wagered the Swiss franc would eventually fall, even as the currency routinely hit record highs against the euro.他说,几个月以来,瑞士法郎兑欧元经常创纪录新高,但他却一直押注瑞士法郎最终会贬值。

10.In Georgia, where court funds have fallen by 25% in the last two years, criminal cases now routinely take more than a year to come to trial.佐治亚州的法院经费在过去两年中减少了25%,因而目前刑事案件的日常审理通常会花费一年多的时间。