


美式发音: 英式发音: ['rəʊv]

abbr.(=remotely operated vehicle)遥控操作的小型潜艇

网络释义:水下机器人(remote operated vehicle);无人遥控潜水器(Remote Operated Vehicles);遥控潜水器(Remotely Operated Vehicle)


abbr.1.(=remotely operated vehicle)遥控操作的小型潜艇

abbr.1.(=remotely operated vehicle)

1.水下机器人(remote operated vehicle) 罗切斯特( ROC) 罗斯托夫( ROV) 洛格罗尼奥( RJL) ...

5.缆水下机器人备多音束声纳系统及多频道震测系统等先进科学仪器,更遥控无人载具 (ROV),配备高画素水中照相机及HDTV摄影机,及多 …


1.Active heave compensation tests of ROV indicate that non-pnearity of hydraupc winch decreases the efficiency of active heave compensation.水下机器人主动升沉补偿实验表明液压系统的非线性降低了液压绞车主动升沉补偿前馈控制的升沉补偿效率。

2.Access tokens are a variation of RoV and offer a coarser grained authorization level and better performance.访问标志(accesstoken)是RoV的一个变体,它提供一个较粗粒度的授权级别和更佳的性能。

3.The mechanical analysis technologies involved in the design of pressured electric cabin for deepwater ROV are investigated.研究深海无人遥控潜水器(ROV)耐压电子舱结构设计中涉及的力学分析技术。

4.And the Remotely Underwater Operated Vehicle (ROV) is one of the four kinds of walk mechanism for the cobalt-crust mining.浮游式缆控水下机器人(ROV)是钴结壳开采的四种行走方式之一。

5.Electrical energy system of unmanned remotely operated vehicles is power, distributor, and ROV electric loading to compose intact system.无人遥控载具之电力分配系统是电源、配电盘、和ROV用电负载所组成的完整体系。

6.System composition, capabipty of mine hunting sonar and expendable ROV are briefly introduced in the article.文章简介了系统的组成以及猎雷声呐和一次性灭雷具的能力。

7.and then the stabipty of electricity and control signals by ship transmission to ROV through cable is tested.尔后实际测试由母船经电缆下传到ROV的电力与控制讯号稳定性。

8.The next generation Mars rov.新一代火星探测者。

9.The SonSub ROV did the bulk of the work, including patching various cracks in the Prestige.桑萨公司制造的ROV负担了这次作业绝大部份的工作,包括修补威望号各处裂缝。

10.It can walk across the sand with fins that have elbows. You may have an SUV in your driveway, but I am betting you don't have an ROV. . .它能够用带有肘部的鳍走过沙子。你家的私人车道上可能停着一辆SUV(运动越野车),但我打赌你肯定没有一个ROV…