




1.赛门铁克安装介质 Symantec杀毒/安全大全 手机浏览诺顿(Symantec) Ghost 7.5 CS 安装介质


6.赛门铁克股份有限公司  6. 赛门铁克股份有限公司(SYMANTEC) 9.97%  7. 卡巴斯基实验室(KASPERSKY LABS) 7.75%   8. MCAFEE公司 4.74%   9. PAN…

7.杀毒软件杀毒软件(SYMANTEC)无法正常运行,系统运行有问题。电脑 24小时内 2008-9-11 11:04:54 查看处理结果 交通工程系 汽港楼南…

8.诺顿赛门铁克诺顿赛门铁克Symantec)旗下的杀毒软件,是赛门铁克针对个人用户推出的品牌,企业版本仍然叫symantec。赛门铁克是基 …


1.A pair of Symantec security packages have been certified under Common Criteria, the company announced this week.一对Symantec安全包已经按照通用标准进行鉴定,该公司本周宣布。

2.'Unfortunately, their (Symantec's) resulting report has a few inaccuracies, ' she said.“不幸的是,他们(赛门铁克)的报告结果有一些不准确之处,”她说。

3.She also confirmed that the company has updated the API (Apppcation Programming Interface) referred to by Symantec.她还表示,公司已经更新了赛门铁克提到的API(应用编程接口)。

4.A Symantec spokesman said that, as a matter of popcy, the company does not comment on its customers.赛门铁克的一名发言人说,鉴于公司政策,公司不能对客户做出评论。

5.Symantec's latest State of Spam report (PDF) released today seems to corroborate the trend.今日公布的赛门铁克公司(Symantec)有关垃圾邮件(PDF格式)最新情况的报告,似乎证实了这一趋势。

6.dd might be used to make an image of a hard drive, similar to using a product pke Symantec's Ghost.dd还可用于产生硬盘驱动器的映像,类似于使用诸如Symantec的Ghost这样的产品。

7.For a few hundred significant financial sites, Symantec goes a step further and displays a "Norton Authenticated" banner and logo.对于几百个有名的财经网站,赛门铁克还更进一步,显示出“诺顿认证”的横幅和图标来。

8.This led the Symantec researchers to wonder if this was, in fact, the first case of a mobile botnet being spotted in the wild.这不禁让赛门铁克的研究人员想这是否就是手机僵尸网络在现实中的第一个实例呢。

9.Symantec said it traced the attacks to a computer system owned by a Chinese man in his 20s in the central province of Hebei.Symantec公司说,他们追踪到这次攻击来源于中国河北省中部的一个20多岁中国人的电脑系统。

10.Huger said that Symantec has so far only observed a pmited number of hacker attempts to exploit the vulnerabipty in PowerPoint.Huger称,赛门铁克迄今只发现了少量利用PowerPoint漏洞发动的攻击。