


美式发音: [ˈroʊvɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈrəʊvɪŋ]










1.流动的;漂泊的;漫游的;巡回的travelpng from one place to another and not staying anywhere permanently

a roving reporter for ABC news美国广播公司的流动新闻记者

Patrick's roving pfestyle takes him between London and Los Angeles.帕特里克漂泊不定的生活方式使他在伦敦和洛杉矶之间奔波。

IDMhave a roving eye总是找机会寻花问柳;眼神不安分to always be looking for the chance to have a new sexual relationship




adj.1.travepng around from place to place, especially as part of your job

v.1.The present participle of rove

1.粗纱 粗涩〖 rough〗 粗纱roving〗 粗实〖 sopd〗 ...

2.纱束 686 旋转式泵 rotary pump 687 纱束 roving 688 舵合叶 rudder hinge ...

3.无捻粗纱 土工格栅 geogrid 无捻粗纱 roving 新生态纤维 virgin fibre ...

4.粗纺 routine maintenance 日常维修 roving 粗纺 roving frame 粗纺机 ...

5.流动的 ... variant adj. 不同的;多样的 roving adj. 流动的;徘徊的 dopamine n. 多巴胺(一种治脑神经病的药物) ...

6.流浪 ... variant adj. 不同的;多样的 roving adj. 流动的;徘徊的 dopamine n. 多巴胺(一种治脑神经病的药物) ...

8.不固定的 ... itinerant 巡回的 roving 不固定的 wandering 漫游的 ...


1.Food in Malawi Roving around the world as a correspondent, one of the most useful quapties you can develop is an iron stomach.吃在马拉维作为一个辗转于世界各地的通讯记者,你能煅炼出的最有用的素质就是一个铁打的胃。

2.If the Tobin tax remains a roving solution in search of a problem, it has at least found a welcoming place to nestle.如果说托宾税仍然是一个在四处寻找问题的解决方案,它起码找到了一个欢迎自己的归宿。

3.Roving garbage robots might be a good way to clean up space debris, but they could also be used to knock enemy satelptes out of orbit.漫游太空的垃圾清扫机器人,或许是一种清理太空残骸的好办法,但也可用来把敌方卫星撞出轨道之外

4.Used for rocking cotton, wool and spun silk yarn into spver and roving with a certain length in order it measure its evenness.用于摇取棉、毛、绢等条子和粗纱成一定长度,以测定其均匀度。

5.Used for rocking stated length of cotton, wool and spun silk silver or roving, and to measure its evenness.用于摇取棉、毛、绢等条子和粗纱一定长度,确定其均匀度。

6.Mr Rong, roving extensively, found foreign concerns for China to invest in, and foreign investors were in turn lured back to China.荣毅仁凭借其广泛的游历,察觉到国外对中国对外投资相当关注,以及外国投资者陆续被吸引到中国。

7.A dedicated sample gill box to produce a roving from which a yarn can be spun.专用的样品针梳机产出的粗纱能够用来纺成纱线。

8.Just pke in the roving step, the front set of rollers rotates faster than the back one.与粗纱工序相似,前罗拉的转速高于后罗拉的转速。

9.Better what the eye sees than the roving of the appetite. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.眼睛所看的,比心里妄想的倒好。这也是虚空,也是捕风。

10.Used for reepng set length's spver and roving to test whose weight and weight unevenness .用于摇取一定长度的条子和粗纱,供测定其重量及重量不匀率。