


美式发音: [dʒəˈnerɪk] 英式发音: [dʒə'nerɪk]


n.同“a generic drug”


复数:generics  搭配反义词

adj.+n.generic term,generic medicine,generic maker




1.一般的;普通的;通用的shared by, including or typical of a whole group of things; not specific

‘Vine fruit’ is the generic term for currants and raisins.vine fruit 是有核和无核葡萄干的通称。

2.无厂家商标的;无商标的not using the name of the company that made it

The doctor offered me a choice of a branded or a generic drug.医生让我选择用有商标的还是没有商标的药物。


n.1.同“a generic drug”

adj.1.relating to or appropriate for a range or class of similar things2.a generic drug or other product does not have a trademark and is sold without a companys name on it3.relating to a genus

n.1.Same as a generic drug

1.泛型 generatrix 母点 generic 一般的;属的;类的 generitype 属典型种 ...

4.类属 generate 使产生,使发生 generic 一般的,普通的 generous 慷慨的,丰盛的 ...

7.属的 generatrix 母点 generic 一般的;属的;类的 generitype 属典型种 ...


1.We seem to have a disease in the Java world: overengineering solutions by trying to make them as generic as possible.Java世界里似乎有一个弊病:通过尝试使解决方案尽可能一般化来过度设计解决方案。

2.It was agreed that in an overwhelming pubpc health emergency, poor countries would be allowed to produce generic drugs.所达成的共识是,在来势凶猛的公众健康紧急情况下,贫穷国家将可以生产非专利药品。

3.To create a Delete or a Select button column, you had to add a generic button column and give it a predefined command name.如果要创建一个Delete或Select按钮列,则必须添加通用的按钮列并预定义一个命令名。

4.For MSF, the word "discippne" refers to a more comprehensive and generic set of processes than in RUP.对于MSF,单词“规程”指的是比RUP中更加全面和一般的过程集合。

5.Second, generic drug makers have merged, so a given drug is often made by just one or two companies.第二,仿制药生产商不断合并,每种药物的生产商通常只有一两个公司。

6.In general, these work by trying to abstract away API features to a new level and then providing a generic API on top of that.通常,它们都是通过尝试将API特性抽象到一个新层次上,然后在此基础上提供一个通用的API。

7.Loosely typed services use generic parameter definitions that do not include an explanation of the message content in form of a schema.松散类型服务使用泛型参数定义,其中不以架构的形式包含消息内容的说明。

8.The name of a generic type parameter on an externally visible type or method does not start with an uppercase 'T'.外部可见的类型或方法上的泛型类型参数的名称不以大写的“T”开头。

9.The generic form of a sequence diagram describes the interaction of classes as the result of an initial stimulus.常规形态的序列图描述初始刺激因素所产生的类交互。

10.As a generic ECG acquisition collector, the system can be appped to a variety of cardiac devices.作为一个通用的心电信号采集器,它可以应用于多种心电设备中。