


美式发音: [.ɡɑd'spid] 英式发音: [.ɡɒd'spiːd]





int.1网站屏蔽ed for wishing someone good luck, especially before a trip

1.柯士比得 远行客 topsky 柯士比得 GodSpeed 北极牛 atctic pole cattle ...

2.成功的祝福 godson 教子 Godspeed 成功的祝福 Godward 向神的 ...

3.神佑 ... pull: 拉 godspeed: 一路平安 give up: 放弃 ...

5.祝幸运 hover over: 威胁,恐吓 Godspeed祝幸运,祝万事如意 easy peasy: [儿童语言]非常非常简单,也作 ...

6.一帆风顺 ... All the best 一切顺心 Godspeed 一帆风顺 keep up the good work 再接再励 ...

7.祝万事如意 hover over: 威胁,恐吓 Godspeed: 祝幸运,祝万事如意 easy peasy: [儿童语言]非常非常简单,也作 ...

8.无敌且速度提升 speed 提升奔跑速度 godspeed 无敌且速度提升 levelup 升一级 ...


1.Incentive, this might be one of the incentive you will not see, but, godspeed!加油,或许我的鼓励你不一定看到,但是,祝一路平安。

2.As the name describes, Godspeed is essentially that, furniture in a one-hour time frame.正如其名称描述,一路顺风,基本上是因为,在一个小时的时间框架家具。

3.The Godspeed is one of three British East India Company ships that first brought colonists to the settlement.首先将殖民者载到詹姆士镇的英属东印度公司船只共有三艘,「天佑平安号」是其中之一。

4.I've got to keep moving, so I need to hide this tape. Good luck to all of us, and godspeed.我必须走了,之后我要把这个录音藏起来。祝游戏玩家你我都好运,一路平安。

5.If you answered yes to these two questions, you're ready and I wish you Godspeed !如果你回答这两个问题的话,我祝你和你准备一帆风顺!

6.The Group wished them Godspeed and a happy pfe in retirement.该集团祝愿他们一帆风顺,享受幸福的退休生活。

7.daunting, but ultimately incredibly wonderful journey, and I will be there for you when I can. Godspeed.思议的巧妙旅程,我永远会支持你。祝万事如意。

8.e. g. We wished him Godspeed as he set off on his quest for happiness.当他出发寻找幸福时,我们祝愿他好运。

9.Adam Frisch, left, and Susan Harris prepare to untie the Godspeed's sails as it cruises on the James River.海员们正在解开“幸运号”的风帆,因为它要在詹姆士河中开始航行。

10.So to the last class of the 20th century, to the leaders of the 21st century, I offer congratulations, and wish you Godspeed.最后,谨献上我对20世纪最后一届毕业生,对21世纪未来领袖们的衷心祝福,祝愿你们梦想成真、前程似锦。