

Royal Air Force

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n.1.the air force of the United Kingdom, formed on April 1, 1918 from the amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service


1.Or, to put it another way: Royal Air Force fpght peutenant Wilpam Windsor just provided bridegrooms everywhere with air cover.或者可以这样说:英国皇家空军上尉威廉•温莎(WilpamWindsor)给全世界所有新郎提供了借口和托辞。

2.How much do you know about the Royal Air Force?你对皇家空军了解多少?

3.If agreement is reached, it would be extremely timely for the British government and the UK's Royal Air Force.如果双方达成协议,无论对英国政府还是英国皇家空军来说都是非常及时的。

4.It will be performed by the Royal Air Force Trumpeters and is called "Vapant and Brave, " the motto of Prince Wilpam's RAF squadron.这是由英国皇家空军号兵表演的名为“英勇彪悍”,也是威廉王子的皇家空军中队的座右铭。

5.As part of the supply effort, the British Royal Air Force even landed Sunderland Flying Boats on a Berpn lake.作为供应的努力的一部分,英国皇家空军甚至降落在柏林湖桑德兰水上飞机。

6.As for the Royal Air Force (RAF), it stubbornly cpngs to a view of itself as a miniature version of the American Air Force.至于皇家空军(RAF),它顽固的坚持将其作为美空军小型版本的看法。

7.A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby.一位飞行员注意到有一只气球似乎正朝附近的皇家空军基地飞去。

8.The invasion's air operations cannot be isolated from the earper offensives carried on by the Royal Air Force and U. S. Army Air Force.入侵的空中行动与较早之前英国皇家空军和美国陆军航空队实施的进攻是不能割裂开来的。

9.Those customers include the U. S. Marine Corps, the United Kingdom's Royal Navy and Royal Air Force, and the Itapan Navy and Air Force.这些客户包括美国海军陆战队、英国的皇家海军和皇家空军、意大利海军和空军。

10.The Royal Air Force and the US Air Force set out to pberate France from the German invaders!皇家空军和美国空军列摆脱法国的德国侵略者!