





6.英国当地邮政出口易英国专线是出口易与英国当地邮政Royalmail)合作,英国当地由英国皇家邮政进行派送的国际专线快递服务,覆盖英 …



1.This was before the internet and mobile phones, so the Royal Mail was a much more important way to keep in touch than it is now.由于那时还没有互联网和手机,因此作为保持联络的一种途径,英国皇家邮政(RoyalMail)要比今天重要得多。

2.The future of the Royal Mail, slated for possible privatisation, will also be high on his agenda.可能私有化的皇家邮政(RoyalMail)的未来也列入了曼德尔森的优先议程。

3.Royal Mail usually takes on about 20, 000 staff in November and December to help cope with the increased volume of mail.皇家邮政(RoyalMail)11月—12月会雇佣20,000人以处理大量增加的邮递业务。

4.The Royal Mail sells postcode information, and transport timetables are sold by private rail carriers.皇家邮政(RoyalMail)出售邮编信息,而私人铁路承运商出售运输时刻表。

5.Another organisation captured by workers and facing crisis is the Royal Mail.另一家被员工俘获的企业是英国皇家邮政(RoyalMail),该公司同样面临危机。

6.Create your own personal pfe stamp, at royalmail. com.定制的个性化邮票,就在皇家邮政。

7."My problem [with meetings] is that people have far too many of them. " says Allan Leighton, chairman of the Royal Mail.“我觉得开会的问题在于会议太多,”皇家邮政(RoyalMail)的主席艾伦-莱顿说。

8.The government owns businesses such as Royal Mail and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority for a reason.政府拥有英国皇家邮政(RoyalMail)和核能除役管理署(NuclearDecommissioningAuthority)等公司是有原因的。

9.Go to Royalmail. com and cpck on jobs, then find the Christmas work section.去Royalmail网址被屏蔽点击“工作”(jobs),找到圣诞节工作部分(theChristmasworksection)。

10.In Britain the Royal Mail has 96. 5% of the market; in Sweden Posten AB has 91. 5%.在英国,皇家邮政(RoyalMail)拥有96.5%的市场份额,而PostenAB在瑞典的市场占有率则达到91.