




1.什么 Smile 丨米 4-10 whats SHEN 圳 ...

3.什麽 ... a, 年轻, 人, 观看, 电视 图片 Whats, 观看, 电视 摄影作品 (set) 电视, 集合 摄影作品 ...

6.怎麽 ... whats 那是 whats 怎麽 wheat 小麦 ...


1.Oh yea, everyone get off their high horse and talk about whats at hand. If you don't have something of value to say, move along.每个人都停下来谈论自己手头的事儿,如果你说不出什么有价值的东西,请走开。

2.whats up with that women in pink ? is she trying to punch the guy?那个穿粉色衣服的女士想干什么?揍那个家伙?。

3.Whats the best price youre prepared to offer for your product?你们的产品最优惠的价格是多少呢?

4.Whats stoping a mage from just corpse camping a war whose trying to do quest ?怎么阻止一个法师在勇士职业做任务的时候进行守尸体?。

5.Logan: Hey Aaron , whats the matter You look down.嗨,亚伦,出什么事了你看起来情绪很低落。

6.Like if I say that chair is black, the fact that whats not making the chair black, is true.就像我说椅子是黑的,事实是什么没有让椅子成为黑色的,是真的。

7.Fake trains, fake Apple - whats next - fake Viagra, powdered milk - oh - already got all that - WTF.劣种火车,假苹果专卖店,---接下来是假什么呢?---假伟哥,假奶粉,呵,都有了,这是怎么回事啊。

8.Take my daughter for example, she often joins me for a glass or two and talks about whats on her mind.拿我女儿来说,她经常会和我喝上两杯,然后告诉我她在想些什么。

9.Its fantastic! Its fantastic! Do you know whats interesting, though? It sounds a bit pke, pke Gaepc!唱得很棒!真的很棒!你知道最有意思的是什么吗?它听起来有点像,有点像盖尔语!

10.He looked at me and said " Whats happened? ! " .然后他很怀疑的说“你后来糟受啥打击了?!”