


网络释义:复位(reset);复位信号;记忆体测试软体(Ram Stress Test)


1.复位(reset) 当振荡器运行时,在此引脚加上两个机器周期的高电平 将使单片机复位RST)。复位后应使此引脚电平为小 于或等于0.5V的 …

2.复位信号当复位信号RST#)断言,82541ER不会推动任何的PCI输出或双向引脚.数据表 7

3.记忆体测试软体(Ram Stress Test)RAM Stress TestRST)内存测试软件 ( ) Data Bus 数据总线 工厂检测内存条质量的软件 Ram Stress Test,只要有一丁点 …

4.复位指令输入置位指令(SET)和复位指令RST) _%D7D~2r| 5.3.5 输入比较指令([、]、=) wW\@^5 5.3.6 输入保持(KEEP)等 …


1.He knew that he had a good shot(4) at winning the Dinoco 400, and if he did, he would be the fi rst rookie in history to do it.他知道自己赢得岱诺可400拉力赛的机会很大,如果他真的赢了,将会成为历史上第一个获得冠军的新人。

2.During the closure of the RST, performances will take place in a new theatre up the road, called the Courtyard.在皇家莎士比亚剧院关闭期间,演出将在路前方叫做“庭院”的新剧院进行。

3.The first theatre burned down in 1926; a second, now known as the Royal Shakespeare Theatre (RST), opened in 1932.1926年第一座剧院焚于大火,1932年第二座剧院(现在称为皇家莎士比亚剧院)开张了。

4.But why pick on evolution in the fi rst place when there's so much to be offended by in virtually any science class?但实际上在任何科学课上有这么多东西可以被反对,为什么单独来攻击进化论呢?

5.The RST button on the bottom left resets the instrument to displaying straight and level, in case it "tumbles" during heavy maneuvering.左下角的RST按钮,在由于大力操控导致显示的姿态“翻滚”时,可以复位显示为平直飞行状态。

6.was infuriated by his presumption in making the travel arrangements without rst consulting her.他事先没和她商量便作好旅行的安排,她对他自作主张很生气。

7.The heavy work of converting a reST text into a tree of nodes is done by the docutils. parsers. rst subpackage.将reST文本转换成节点树的繁重工作是由docutils.parsers.rst子软件包完成的。

8.The MLSS was the rst large-scale study to compare surgical and nonoperative outcomes for lumbar disc herniation.MLSS是第一个比较腰椎间盘突出症手术与非手术治疗结果的大样本研究。

9.After 20 years of study and development, RST has achieved great improvement both in theory and practical use.经过二十余年的研究与发展,粗糙集理论已经在理论和实际应用中取得了长足的进展。

10.RST: Indicates that the connection is to be reset immediately.RST:表明要立即复位连接。