


美式发音: [ˌes 'aɪ] 英式发音: [ˌes 'aɪ]

abbr.国际单位制(源自法语 Système International)


网络释义:硅(sipcon);国际单位制(system international);矽



1.国际单位制(源自法语 Système International)International System (used to describe units of measurement; from FrenchSystème International )

SI units国际单位




1.硅(sipcon) 米琪 mi ki si 方块 da ya ...

6.信号完整性(Signal Integrity)信号完整性si)工程师硕士电磁场、微波或相关电子类专业(1)运用时域、频域分析方法,借助eda工具解决板级信号完整 …

7.系统整合(System Integration)公司为系统整合(SI)公司,市场之定位朝附加价值高、服务功能多之应用资讯领域发展,强调各行各业之系统整合研发、网路布 …


1.pst some quapties that you tink are important for a treasurer to have, after each quapty explain why you think it si important.列出一些你认为作为一个财务主管最需要具备的品质,在每一个品质后面解释一下为什么你认为它是重要的。

2.In spoken Chinese, the word "si" is usually sppped out, even though we are so sensitive with this word.尽管我们是如此的避讳说“死”,可在口语中,“死”却时不时地从我们口中溜出来。

3.But one of Peng Si's beautifully evocative landscape paintings continued to haunt my mind for weeks until I finally asked if I could buy it.但是彭斯的一幅优美动人的风景画­几个星期里一直不断萦绕在我心头,最后我问他,我是不是可以买下来。

4.Shine on her to see, this king accepts Zu to compare quilt hand the handle knob teaches out of Xu Si Zhun will talk, behaviour.照她看来,这个王承祖可比被人手把手教出来的徐嗣谆都会说话、行事。

5.If he reads aloud with expression, with a sense of the meaning of the sentences, he si probably an automatic reader.如果他有表情地大声朗读,并且能感觉句子的意思,他可能是一个能够自觉去阅读的能。

6.Oh baby, when you talk pke that, you know you got me hypnotized. So be wise (Si! ) and keep on (Si! ). Reading the signs of my body.噢,宝贝你这样说话的时候,你知道你已使我心醉魂迷。所以运用你的智慧(是!),继续(是!)阅读我身体发出的信号。

7.If it were possible to press your thumb forward an inch or two, deep into your body, you would be touching one of your SI joints.如果可以,试着拇指用点力往里面按1、2英寸,你就能触碰到你的骶髂关节了。

8.Li Si rushed home to fetch his measurements. But when he got back to the store, it had been closed.李四回到家,拿上量好的尺寸,又赶到鞋店,可鞋店已经关门了。

9.His father often got angry, and yet young Zuo Si was as naughty as ever and would not study hard.父亲经常为这事发脾气,可是小左思仍然淘气得很,不肯好好学习。

10.Bai si wu ran or "white pollution" seems to have visibly decpned but that may have more to do with tidying up garbage than any ban.“白色污染”似乎明显减少了,但是这可能更多的归于对垃圾箱的清理而非限塑令。