


美式发音: [ˈfrɔs(t)ˌbaɪt] 英式发音: [ˈfrɒs(t)ˌbaɪt]



过去式:frostbit  过去分词:frostbitten  现在分词:frostbiting  第三人称单数:frostbites  



1.冻伤;冻疮a medical condition in which parts of the body, especially the fingers and toes, become damaged as a result of extremely cold temperatures


n.1.a medical condition in which cold weather seriously damages your fingers, toes, ears, or nose

1.冻伤 中文:夜曲 Noctrun 中文:冻疮 Frostbite 中文:汪 Wulf ...

3.霜寒 frost 霜 frostbite 霜寒 frostbiter 赛艇 ...

4.霜害 ◎ 霜冻[ frost] ◎ 霜害[ frostbite; frost injury] ◎ 霜露[ frost and dew] ...

5.寒霜 4、whirlwind( 旋风行动) 5、frostbite霜寒行动) 7、Pandora’s box( 潘多拉之盒) ...

7.冻伤诅咒 Freezing Pulse( 冰霜脉冲) Frostbite冻伤诅咒) Frost Wall( 冰墙) ...

8.霜寒刺骨 寒冰守卫[ Frost Warding] 霜寒刺骨[ Frostbite] 碎冰[ Shatter] ...


1.A great trick is, when a champion is in range of your Frostbite, to just fire and immediately pop Glacial Storm on his position.有一个重要的技巧是,当一个英雄在你的冰锥射程内,你可以直接冰锥之,然后再他脚下使用冰河风暴,这样依旧可以造成双倍伤害。

2."We might make it, " Tom told his wife, "but we'd lose our feet to frostbite and spend the rest of our pves in wheelchairs. "“我们或许到得了镇上,”汤姆告诉妻子说,“可双腿肯定会被霜雪冻坏的。那样我们的下半辈子就只能坐在轮椅中度过了。”

3.Ice Damage causes a blue 'frostbite' effect, and is damage to which enemies have no resistance.产生蓝色的冻伤效果,敌人对冰冻伤害没有抗力。

4.Trying to protect their cold, wet feet from frostbite was an ongoing problem while the four were lost in the forest.在四人迷失的时候,防止冰冷、潮湿的腿出现冻疮是不停的一个问题。

5.Eighteen Leon busy all frostbite, takes care of a strange girl, he gave him a warm.十八岁的莱昂忙得手都冻伤了,一个陌生的小姑娘关心他,给了他温暖。

6.her feet were red and swollen with frostbite , but she did not seem to notice.她的脚因为冻疮而红肿,但她似乎没有注意到。

7.Chilblains are only one stop short of frostbite, you know, and occur in all the same places.你知道,冻疮与冻伤只有一步之遥,而且它们发生的部位全都一样。

8.The pttle match girl was out in a snowstorm. Her feet were pke ice cubes and her fingertips had frostbite.卖火柴的小女在冰天雪地里走着,浑身哆嗦着。她双脚冻成了像紫茄子一样的冰坨,手指满是冻伤。

9.Frostbite just beginning, with hair dryer edge blowing every night, a few days later edge kneads is not.冻疮刚刚开始时,每天晚上用电吹风边吹边揉,几天后就没有了。

10.The result was the death of valuable dogs and frostbite on the feet of his men that would require a month to heal.这样的结果便是很多珍稀的狗被冻死、随从人员满脚都是冻疮。这些冻疮需要一个多月才能痊愈。