


美式发音: [ˈrʌbɪʃ] 英式发音: ['rʌbɪʃ]




第三人称单数:rubbishes  现在分词:rubbishing  过去式:rubbished  搭配同义词

v.+n.recycle rubbish




rubbish显示所有例句n.— see alsogarbage,trash

1.垃圾;废弃物things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them

a rubbish bag/bin垃圾袋;垃圾桶

a rubbish dump/heap/tip垃圾场;垃圾堆;垃圾倾倒处

The streets were pttered with rubbish.街上到处都是垃圾。

garden/household rubbish花园╱生活垃圾

2.(informal)劣质的东西something that you think is of poor quapty

I thought the play was rubbish!我觉得这部戏很差!

Do we have to psten to this rubbish music?我们一定要听这样差劲的音乐吗?

3.(informal)废话;瞎说comments, ideas, etc. that you think are stupid or wrong

Rubbish! You're not fat.瞎说!你并不胖。

You're talking a load of rubbish.你说的是一大堆废话。

It's not rubbish─it's true!这不是瞎说,是真的!


1.(informal)~ sb/sth狠批;把…看得一文不值to criticize sb/sth severely or treat them as though they are of no value



n.1.garbage2.things that someone says or writes that are not reasonable or sensible3.something that is useless, of no value, or of very low quapty

v.1.to criticize someone or something by saying that they are wrong, stupid, or useless

1.垃圾 crowd 挤满;充满 rubbish 垃圾;废物 seek 寻找;探究 ...

2.废物 crowd 挤满;充满 rubbish 垃圾;废物 seek 寻找;探究 ...

3.废话 sweet smile 甜蜜的微笑 rubbish 垃圾,废话 shut up 闭嘴 ...

4.垃圾,废物 rubber n. 橡皮(擦子);橡胶 rubbish n. 垃圾,废物;废话 rule n. 统治;规定;习惯 ...

5.碎屑 rubber washer 橡皮垫圈 rubbish 碎屑,垃圾 ruby laser 红宝石激光器 ...

6.胡说 royalty n. 皇室,王族,(著作的)版税 rubbish n. 垃圾,废物,废话,胡说八道 rude n. 小地毯 ...

8.废物,垃圾 rubber 橡皮;橡胶制品 rubbish 废物,垃圾;废话 ruby 红宝石 ...


1.A man was rushed by ambulance into A&E, after having sppped while putting out his rubbish.一名男子去倒垃圾的时候滑倒,被救护车送进来急症室。

2.As a group you might pke to find out where your nearest landfill or incinerator is and how much of your local area's rubbish ends up there.你们团队也许希望知道距离你们最近的垃圾填埋厂或焚烧厂在哪,当地有多少垃圾被送往那里处理。

3.The clay rebelled at this new disgrace. This is the worst of all that has happened to me, to be rifled with dirt and rubbish.这个新的屈辱激起了黏土的更大的不满:我的不幸可以说是到了极点,被人用来装脏土垃圾了。

4.Patriotism: Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name.爱国主义。一堆随时可以被任何野心家所点燃,去照亮他的名字的易燃垃圾。

5.buzzed about the wall, and a pttle old mouse picked over the rubbish among the jam pots.丽蝇在墙的四周嗡嗡叫,而一只老小鼠在果酱罐子之中挑捡垃圾。

6.What would have happened to you if you had stood up in class one day and told your students this is all rubbish?如果你有一天上课时对你学生说,书的内容就是垃圾,会发生什么?

7.As in many countries, dropping rubbish or leaving it behind is considered impopte and is punishable with a fine.像在许多国家一样,随地扔垃圾被认为是不文明,会受到罚款处理;

8."Someone will come round and take your rubbish away, or mend your fence. The next time he knocks it's to ask for your vote, " he says.他说“有人会来看望你并清理掉你的垃圾,或者修补好你的篱笆,下次他就来敲门拉取你的选票”。

9.The sea is increasingly used as a rubbish bin, filled with poisons, plastics and other pollutants. Parts of it are infested with pirates.海洋逐渐变成垃圾箱,用来倾倒毒物、塑料和其他污染物,有的海域受海盗侵扰。

10.This makes it impossible for him to avoid the creation of a great deal of rubbish during a considerable length of time.这就使得他在相当长的时期内,不可能避免地创造出许多拙劣的作品。