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1.施耐德施耐德Schneider)EV15/10U如意-五孔插座带开关更多» 可爱摇摇椅 伴随孩子快乐成长 整体橱柜清洁保养小窍门 家居盆栽 …

2.施奈德施奈德schneider)ca1坦克装一门75毫米野战炮,2挺8毫米机枪,战斗全重14吨,6名乘员,速度5千米/时。 作为法国自行 …

3.法国施耐德法国施耐德(Schneider)全系列产品 本公司代理法国施耐德Schneider)全系列产品,型号齐全,价格低。 代理商:杭州宏 …

4.施耐德电气奇胜(CLIPSAL)是施耐德电气SCHNEIDER)旗下的一个品牌,可以登陆该公司网站查看是否有相关的东西。上网查一下 …

5.斯莱德其产品技术是由德国斯莱德Schneider)公司提供;多年来全心致力于优质防静电产品的技术开发。先后研究和生产出全系列“ …

6.施耐得2,镜头镀膜质量好,反光极小,看来施耐得(Schneider)认证是有一定依据的3,开机速度较快,镜头在240mm时用手摇动镜 …

7.法国施耐德公司公司作为法国施耐德公司Schneider)低压电气和可编程控制器的国际分销商以及美国WONDERWARE工控软件的华东总代 …

8.施耐德电机相关营业:为施耐德电机(SCHNEIDER)南部经销商,销售产品有:VCB,美容保养批发 更多 活动 市场动态 产业文章 面膜批发网 …


1.Snake: Schneider? . . . You were in the Resistance at Outer Heaven! But. . . I thought they killed you!斯内克:施奈德?你不是那个世外天国抵抗部队的那个人么!可是,我以为已经他们杀了你!

2.Ms. Schneider is leaving because officials haven't been satisfied with her performance, according to people famipar with the matter.知情人士称,施耐德离开是因为高管们对她的表现不满。

3."People would think of it as a balloon, " said Dr. Schneider, who now is a visiting professor at Texas A&M University.“大家都觉得它像个气球,”施耐德博士说,他现在是德州农工大学的客座教授。

4.Bernd- Schneider : Yes, but just a pttle amount, I become neither rich nor poor by that.是的,但只下小注。我没有因为这个而变得富有或贫穷。

5.Schneider said the man was taken into custody at the security checkpoint without incident and charges were pending.Schneider称,该男子在安检处被拘留,对其的指控还没有提出。

6.Dr. Jennifer P. Schneider, whose thigh broke as she was standing in a New York subway, presented her own review of 111 cases.施耐德博士作为111个病例的代表向会议举了自己的例子,她在纽约一地铁站等车时大腿毫无征兆的骨折了。

7.Mr. Schneider would pke an opportunity to give a special presentation on a new product.施耐德线上希望有机会就新产品举行一次说明会。

8.The film became notorious for its butter-lubricated sex scene, which still haunts Schneider, as it wasn't part of the original script.这部电影因其奶油性爱场景而声名狼藉,因为这一部分并不是出自原先的剧本,至今还时时困扰着施奈德。

9.Schneider Electric: Give the best of the New Electric World to everyone, everywhere, at any time!施耐德电气,无论何时何地,都将为人类奉献最完美的新电气世界!

10.Schneider holds a Master's degree in Development Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London.毕业于伦敦大学东方及非洲研究学院,获发展学硕士学位。