


美式发音: [ˈrʌkəs] 英式发音: ['rʌkəs]



复数:ruckuses  同义词




1.喧闹;骚动;争吵a situation in which there is a lot of noisy activity, confusion or argument


n.1.a fight, or a noisy argument

1.优科 chaos 大混乱, 混沌 ... ruckus 喧闹, 骚动... primogenitor 始祖, 祖先... ...

3.骚动 chaos 大混乱, 混沌 ... ruckus 喧闹, 骚动... primogenitor 始祖, 祖先... ...

4.优科无线 ... 7.treasonous 叛逆的,奸诈的 8.ruckus [美口]吵闹,骚动 9.bland 无刺激性的,温和的 ...

7.吵闹骚动 443. Round-the-clock 夜以继日,24小时地 445. Ruckus 吵闹骚动,大混乱 446. Run-of-the-mill 普普通通的,一般的,平常 …


1.Or so claims Dr. Dennis Friedman in a book that has kicked up a bit of a ruckus in Britain.丹尼斯·弗里德曼博士在一本书中如是说,此番言论在英国一石激起千层浪。

2.It is hard to think that this remote and tranquil spot could have caused such a continent-sized ruckus.很难想象这个偏远和宁静的地方可以引起影响全大陆的一场骚动。

3.Chief: At least until the mayor puts my head on a pike for this kind of ruckus in an election year.警长:至少在市长因为选举年里发生这种骚动而把我的首级串在尖木柱上示众之前都还算是。

4.The question now is, Will Pyongyang, feepng a bit ignored, raise enough of a ruckus to force itself back onto Washington's center stage?如今的问题是,平壤会不会觉得自己有点受忽视了,故意制造足够的噪音让自己重回华盛顿的中心舞台?

5.Twitter has gotten oodles of media attention lately, and I'm guessing that many users are signing up just to see what the ruckus is about.Twitter最近受到了媒体的追捧,我猜这让众多的用户来注册,想看看到底这玩意是干嘛用的。

6.The ruckus left at least 69 people injured and turned Prague into a smoky battle zone.这场骚动造成了至少六十九人受伤,布拉格也因此成了烟雾弥漫的战场。

7.And to think, all of this ruckus is because we invented a steam wand that magically transforms ordinary milk into thick foam. Go figure.我认为,所有这些念头是源于蒸汽棒的发明,它魔法般的把普通的牛奶变成厚厚的奶沫。

8.If that whore of a sister saw it, she would kick up a ruckus. She makes too much fuss.要是那个娼妇护士小姐看到了,她又要引起一场吵闹了她太爱小题大做了。

9.On the exhibition in Las Vegas the company ruckus wireless presented the device, named as MediaFlex USB dongle.就展览在拉斯维加斯举行的该公司ruckus介绍了无线装置,命名为mediaflex的USB解密。

10.Elderly farmers form a powerful voting block, and analysts say they are pkely to create a ruckus against reform.年长的农民形成一股强大的力量,阻碍投票,分析者认为他们可能对改革形成阻碍。