


美式发音: 英式发音: ['ru:dɔlf]





1.鲁道夫 ... Latakia Mixture 拉塔基亚调味专用烟丝 RUDOLPH 德国鲁道夫烟斗丝 Mac Baren Vanilla 马坝奶油香草烟斗丝(家 …

5.鼻子的鲁道夫 ... Santa - 耶诞老人 - (红+黑色) Rudolph - 鲁道夫麋鹿 - (绿+黑色) Snow Man - 小雪人 - (蓝+黑色) ...


1."She feels her mother gave Larry Rudolph power: He handed her kids over to her ex, " explains the source.知情人士解释道,“布兰妮感觉是她妈妈给了Larry权力,他把两个孩子交给了前夫”。

2.Former New York City mayor Rudolph Giupani, who dropped out of the race Wednesday and endorsed John McCain, did not take part.前纽约市市长朱利亚尼星期三退出了竞选,并表示支持麦凯恩。朱利亚尼没有参加辩论。

3.He could hear Rudolph breathing steadily, asleep, as he closed the door quietly behind him.他轻轻地随手把门带上,听得见鲁道夫均匀的呼吸声,睡得正香。

4."Johnny Heath wrote me that he had a wonderful trip with you, " Rudolph said.“乔尼·希思来信说,他跟你做了一次极妙的游览,”鲁道夫说。

5.On the eve of the big day, stockings are hung and cookies and milk are set out for Santa as well as a carrot for Rudolph.圣诞夜那天,圣诞长筒袜挂上墙,为圣诞老人准备好饼干牛奶,同样也不忘为鲁道夫准备一根胡萝卜。

6.Finally, don't tell Rudolph, but a great reindeer stew can be had in Lapland as well.最后,别告诉鲁道夫,在拉普兰还可以尝到棒极了的炖驯鹿大餐呢。

7.Rudolph played club dates at dances and Axel had advanced him the money for a tuxedo, thirty-five dollars, an unheard-of outpouring.鲁道夫在俱乐部举办舞会的日子参加演奏,阿克赛尔给他一笔钱做夜礼服一共三十五元,象这样慷慨解囊是从来不曾听说过的。

8.Rudolph walked slowly back toward the store, leaving his coat open, although the wind was keen and the day raw .鲁道夫慢慢朝商店走去,虽然天气阴冷,朔风刺骨,他却让大衣敝着。

9."Rudolph! " he said confidently, "and, . . . Opve! "“鲁道夫!”他自信地说,“另一个,奥利弗!”

10.Sammy Kessler was hunched in a position of agony over his paper , his eyes fpcking desperately over at Rudolph .赛米·凯斯勒伏在他的卷子上,一副痛苦不堪的神色,两只眼睛绝望地瞟着鲁道夫。