


网络释义:革命联合阵线(Revolutionary United Front);鲁夫;革命同盟阵线


1.革命联合阵线(Revolutionary United Front) Stoewer 斯托维尔 Ruf 鲁夫 ATS 阿特斯 ...


4.卢夫 罗孚/荣威 Rover 卢夫 Ruf 北汽威旺 WeiWang ...



1.Ma'ruf said Israel was trying to cover up for kilpng thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese civipans.马优福还提到以色列曾试图掩盖残杀数千名巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩平民这一事实。

2.Originally, decisive and decision-making between the two RUF soldiers seeking, Huangpu Song of Dong Zhuo than advanced.本来果断与决策两阵之间的兵谋,皇甫嵩还比董卓计高一筹。

3.That the RUF committed horrendous acts of cruelty amounting to crimes against humanity is not in doubt.革命联合阵线犯下惨无人道的反人类罪行,这点是毋庸置疑的。

4."Israel is planning to broaden its propaganda into Indonesia, " Dr Ma'ruf Amin, deputy chairman of MUI, told IOL.“以色列企图在印尼扩大它的宣传。”马优福。艾敏博士(学者参议会代理主席)发言。

5.Now traders will be able to trade the future in core, wheat, oil , meal and ruf by computer.以后可以通过电脑来完成玉米、小麦、大豆、豆油、豆面甚至稻谷的期货交易。

6.Until then, there's always the completely electric Porsche 911 from Ruf, although unfortunately it only features two seats.在此之前,总是完全电动保时捷911从联阵,但不幸的是,它仅配备了两个席位。

7.Former RUF commander Morris Kallon will serve a maximum of 39 years.前革命联合阵线指挥官卡伦最多将服刑39年。

8.Czech meteorite, aspirations, such as Seven Star RUF.捷克陨石、愿望七星阵等。

9."People in the world must know that Israel has deprived the Palestinians of their rights, " Ma'ruf insisted.马优福还强调:“当今世界的人们一定都知道以色列剥夺了巴勒斯坦的权利。”

10.You are RUF, huh? And lam your prisoner. What do you mean?你还想再见到你儿子吧?呆在我后面。