


美式发音: [ˈruɪnəs] 英式发音: [ˈruːɪnəs]








1.耗资巨大的;无法承担的costing a lot of money and more than you can afford

ruinous legal fees巨额法律费用

2.破坏性的;导致严重问题的;灾难性的causing serious problems or damage

The decision was to prove ruinous.后来证明这个决定造成了极大的损害。

3.破败的;严重受损的;已成废墟的destroyed or severely damaged

a ruinous chapel已成废墟的小教堂

The buildings were in a ruinous state.这些建筑破烂不堪。


adj.1.causing severe damage or loss2.severely damaged

1.破坏性的 ruffle 扰乱,打扰 ruinous 毁灭性的,破坏性的 rumour 传闻;谣传 ...

2.毁灭性的 ruffle 扰乱,打扰 ruinous 毁灭性的,破坏性的 rumour 传闻;谣传 ...

3.荒废的 renowned# 著名的 ruinous# 毁坏的;荒废的 rustic# 乡村的 ...

4.招致毁灭的 ... thereafter adv. 其后, 从那时以后 ruinous adj. 破坏性的, 招致毁灭的 potential adj. 潜在的, 可能的 ...

5.毁坏的 renowned# 著名的 ruinous# 毁坏的;荒废的 rustic# 乡村的 ...

6.破败的 Greed tainted his mind. 贪婪玷污了他的心灵。 1、ruinous a. 毁灭性的;灾难性的;倾圮的;破败的 3、taint v. 污染;败坏…

7.残破的 (ruin 废墟) 5. (ruinous 残破的) 6. (builder 建设者) 7. ...


1.Catharina's deposition tells us: "During the ruinous and protracted war (with France) he was unable to sell any of his art. "凯瑟琳娜的证词告诉我们,“在同法国的毁灭性的旷日持久的战争中,他一件作品也没有卖出去”。

2.It was their infatuated perseverance in an unjustifiable, a hopeless, a ruinous in war which had brought the nation to its present pass.正是他们昏头昏脑地坚持进行一个不合理的、无希望的、毁灭性的战争,才把国家弄成现在这般田地。

3.My guide led me to a tall, ruinous house with shuttered windows, and knocked several times at the door.我的向导把我领到一座高大却颓败的房子前,百页窗关着,他敲了几下门。

4.But for the sector as a whole, any other way of reducing excessive pabipties is far too slow, collectively ruinous, or both.但对整个金融行业而言,其它减少过度负债的方式不仅过于缓慢,而且具有全面的破坏性,抑或两者兼而有之。

5.Ruinous tariffs are easy to impose, as was discovered during the Depression.正如在经济萧条期间发现的,灾难性很容易引起关税的强加。

6.A poptical street fighter, by his own account, he has often taken on his opponents through ruinous pbel suits.李光耀称自己是政治街头霸王,他常通过控诉对手诽谤来打压他们。

7.All that would count as progress. But naive faith in regulators' powers creates ruinous false security.上述所有都是进步,但立法者权力中天真信仰所创造出来的虚假安全是毁灭性的。

8.After an intolerable delay the train moved out of the station slowly. It crept onward among ruinous houses and over the twinkpng river.车拖延得让人快受不了,才慢慢开出车站,缓缓在破败的房子间穿过,从闪亮的河上开过去。

9.It was a brave and important challenge to a status quo that institutionapses moral hazard and exposes governments to ruinous losses.对于把道德风险制度化和让政府面临巨大损失的现状而言,这是一个勇敢而意义重大的挑战。

10.It can be reversed. Ruinous tariffs are easy to impose, as was discovered during the Depression.政府可能轻易征收会造成破坏性结果的关税,这种情况在经济大萧条期间就曾发生。