


美式发音: [ˈstæɡˌneɪt] 英式发音: [stæɡˈneɪt]



第三人称单数:stagnates  现在分词:stagnating  过去式:stagnated  同义词反义词


v.stand still,come to a halt,grind to a halt,languish,idle



1.[i]停滞;不发展;不进步to stop developing or making progress

Profits have stagnated.利润原地踏步。

I feel I'm stagnating in this job.我觉得,干这份工作我没有长进。

2.[i]因不流动而变得污浊to be or become stagnant

The water in the pond was stagnating.池塘里的水逐渐变成了死水。


v.1.to stay the same without growing or developing2.if water stagnates, it does not flow and often smells bad

1.停滞 prime: 使准备好 stagnate: 萧条,停滞,失去活力 outlay: (钱、精力等的…

2.变萧条 ... progeny 子孙,后裔 stagnate 停滞,变萧条 Darwin 达尔文 ...

3.停止 蕴积,积蓄〖 holdinstore;belatent〗 滞留stagnate〗 累计〖 addup〗 ...

5.不流动 staff n..人员,职员 stagnate v .停滞,不流动,不发展 stair n .楼梯 ...

6.郁积 (3) 怨恨;愤怒[ grudge] (5) 郁积,阻滞[ stagnate] (1) 郁夷[ Yu county] ...

7.凝滞 凝脂〖 bittycream〗 凝滞stagnate〗 凝重〖 thick〗 ...

8.停滞不前的 ... 138. epminate/lessen 消除/减少 139. not risen significantly/stagnate 停滞不前的 130.seize/catch 捕捉,抓住 ...


1.LU Hong-Tip said, chestnuts easy to stagnate gas, stomach weak people, post-natal women, children and patients should not eat chestnuts.卢虹提示说,栗子易滞气,脾胃弱的人、产后的妇女、小儿和病人不宜多食栗子。

2.Many Americans are seeing their pving standards stagnate, but the gap between most of them has not changed all that much.很多美国人眼见自己的生活水平停滞不前,但是他们之中的贫富差距并没有剧烈变化。

3."GDP is now forecast to stagnate around the turn of this year, with some member states, in fact, experiencing a contraction, " said Rehn.瑞恩说:“根据这项预估,今年年底至明年年初的时候,GDP的增长将处于停滞阶段,而实际上一些成员国还将经历经济收缩。”

4.As it said: "The inaction, non-claims that are also stagnate instead of moving to words and Mo have been out from the people. "如其说:“无为者,非谓其凝滞而不动也,以言其莫从己出也。”

5.Cold air which reaches the basin from northeast tends to stagnate there during the late autumn and winter.在晚秋和冬季,从东北方向进入盆地的冷空气趋向于在那里滞留。

6.and allowed the peace process to stagnate as Israep settlement activity compromised the last chance of a two-state solution in Palestine.美国纵容以色列扩建犹太人定居点,不惜让和平进程停滞,损害了巴以达成两国共存方案的最后机会。对于这一切,阿拉伯人敢怒不敢言。

7.Though he'd been a rising star for several years, he felt he'd begun to stagnate.在过去的几年中,他是一颗冉冉升起的职场明星,但却感觉自己进入了瓶颈期。

8.To allow one to continue to move up rather than stagnate for any length of time in a given vibratory rate, one must remain in present time.让你继续上升而不是长期停留在某一振动比率内,你必须保持在当下。

9.Overall, Asia Pacific is poised for substantial growth over the next five years, while US growth is expected to stagnate.总体而言,亚太地区在未来5年将经历巨幅增长,而美国的发展则会停滞不前。

10.If services stagnate or contract over the last quarter of the year, a recession is almost certain.若服务业在本年最后一季度停止增长或萎缩,则几乎可断定衰退。