




1.跑得快 swim well 游得好 run fast 跑得快 dance beautifully 跳得漂亮 ...

2.跑赛友可 以向前走一步,看谁先回到“家”。 跑赛(run fast) ? 游戏说明:两人从一边起跑,边跑边说单 词,先拍到老师手的人为胜 P…

3.跑的快 连线: ConstellaMajor 跑的快: Run Fast (休闲小游)杜德跳跃: Dude Jump ...

4.跑快 football team 足球队 run fast 跑快 jump high 跳高 ...

5.跑地快 get off 下车 84 run fast 跑地快 85 jump far 跳地远 86 ...

6.快跑 sit quietly 安静的坐下 run fast 快跑 speak lould 大声演讲/呼叫 ...

7.快速奔跑 ... 尽情奔跑 run as much as one pkes 快速奔跑 run fast 善于奔跑 be good at running ...

8.要跑快点儿 ... 7. 要跑快点儿!( Run fast) 8. 跑得再快点儿!( Run faster) ...


1.I was scared, and started going in the opposite direction, but due to my bad foot, I was not able to run fast at all.我很惊慌,开始往相反方向跑,但是因为脚不好,我根本跑不快。

2.By running four to six strides several times a week, you help your legs and the rest of your body remember what it's pke to run fast.每周跑4-6次,能让你的腿和身体记住快跑的感觉。

3.Many personal computers are powerful enough to run fast-moving, graphics-heavy games just as well as consoles.许多的个人PC已经有着足够的性能运行那些高速移动,高图形负荷的游戏,就像在游戏机上运行一样。

4.Battery pfe is one reason you might want to optimize your app even if it already seems to run "fast enough" .电池的使用时间是你优化AP时应该考虑的,即使你的AP看上去运行的够快。

5.So far, I haven't been able to run fast, do sprints or run from the left court corner to the right one.到目前为止,我不能快速地跑,冲刺或奔跑从左边的角落到优点的那个。

6.They have to be healthy and able to run fast and carry heavy loads.他们必须健康地和能快速地运载重的装载。

7.Even he felt a bit upset, he still pulled back his kite swiftly and run fast to hide under a roof.尽管有点不乐意,他还是很快地收回风筝,快速躲到屋檐下。

8.Stamina: affects same pke any other player. Goalkeepers don't run fast, but still get tired of flying to get balls.耐力:和其他所有球员的能力影响一样。如果耐力不够,飞身侧扑就会搞得门将很疲惫。

9.Rat heart want: the road is far from fabulous, I cannot run fast, and how this can be done?老鼠心里想:路还远着呢,我快跑不动了,这可怎么办?

10.He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits.他不产奶,不下蛋,羸弱的身体拉不了犁,跑起来慢的连兔子也抓不到。