




1.我累了 ... You do not see my heart 你看不见我的心 I was tired 我累了 Because you are so cruel. 因为你太残酷了。 ...

2.我很累 I hadn't finished. 我还没高潮呢 I was tired. 我很累 It's not pke i did this on purpose. 我并不是有意这么做的 ...

3.我太累了 ... I had hoped you would come to me last night. 昨晚,你怎么没来 I was tired. 我太累了 ...

4.我精疲力竭了 Hear me ~. 听完我的话 I was tired ~. 我精疲力竭了 The wine has run ~. 葡萄酒没有了 ...

5.我曾疲惫不堪 ... but it's over now 但现在一切都结束了 i was tired 我曾疲惫不堪 but now i'm bound 但现在我被束缚着 ...


1.At ten o'clock I was tired. 'Good night, my lords, 'I said. 'I'm going downstairs to bed. '十点钟了,我感到很累。“晚安,我的丈夫,我的勋爵,”我说道。“我下楼去睡了。”

2.By then it was late, and I was tired, and next day I`d forgotten it all and had to start all over again.到那时已经很迟了,我疲倦已极,第二天我竟全给忘了,只好重新再读。

3.Although I was tired but would not give up! Smile Thank you for your concern, you are one of my friends!我虽然累了但不会放弃!微笑感谢您的关心,你是我的一个朋友!

4.Danny pkes green. She works in a store. I had a bath yesterday. I played computer a week ago. I was tired last Monday.丹尼喜欢绿色。她在百货店里工作。我昨天洗澡了。我一星期前玩电脑了。我上周一很累。他们昨天下午在教室里。

5.I was tired the day sitting on the plane back to Beijing suddenly heard a girl said to me carefully Po Mody I can chat with you?当天的我很累坐在返往北京的飞机上忽然听到一个女孩小心翼翼的对我说宝我能和你聊聊么?

6.The body fat crusade was on overdrive and I was tired of it.跟体脂含量搞革命累得够呛,我是受够了。

7."Why not let me shower first, " she asked. "I was tired, sweetie, you take it later, okay? " She was totally depressed.“为什么不让我先洗呢?”“亲爱的,因为我很累,你之后再洗吧”妻子为此很不开心。

8.We'd been driving for days and I was tired of being cooped up in the car.我们已开车几天了,困在车里疲惫不堪。

9.I was tired, so I ped down on the sofa for a while.我感到很累,于是我躺在沙发上休息一会。

10.She said that if I was tired I should sit down.她说如果我感到累,我应当坐下。