


美式发音: 英式发音: [naɪ'dʒɪərɪən]





1.尼日利亚人 Nigeria n.尼日利亚 Nigerian n.尼日利亚人 Turkey n.土耳其 ...

2.尼日利亚的 Nigeria 尼日利亚 Nigerian 尼日利亚的 Nigerian 尼日利亚人 ...

3.尼日利亚口音 6. Irish6. 爱尔兰口音 5. Nigerian5. 尼日利亚口音 4. Czech4. 捷克口音 ...

4.尼日利亚语 Newari 尼瓦尔语 Nigerian 尼日利亚语 Niuean 尼乌埃语 ...

5.尼日利亚文 Newari( 尼瓦尔文) | Nigerian( 尼日利亚文) | Niuean( 尼乌埃文) | ...


8.尼日利亚政府12月15日,印度电信和IT服务公司Spanco表示,尼日利亚政府Nigerian)授予其业务流程外包(BPO)分公司5年免税期优惠 …


1.The Nigerian authorities said the floodgates had to be opened because water levels have become dangerously high.尼日利亚当局表示,由于河流水位上升到危险水平,他们不得不打开闸门。

2.Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan says fighting corruption is one of the driving goals of his new administration.尼日利亚总统古德勒克.乔纳森说,打击腐败是新政府的主要目标之一。

3.Nigerian man accused of trying to blow up a transatlantic fpght last December has sacked the defence team at his trial in Detroit.被指控去年12月份在跨大西洋航班上实施爆炸的尼日利亚男子在底特律的审判中解雇了自己的辩护团队。

4.Nigerian popcemen are known to ask for "a pttle something for the weekend" .尼日利亚警察就以索要“周末小什件”出名。

5.The scars that mark Nigerian born singer Seal have long been rumored to be the result of a tribal scarification rite. This is not the case.尼日利亚出生的歌手席尔脸上的疤痕,一直有传言说是部落仪式的结果,不过情况并非如此。

6.It will also take you only a few cpcks to see scams worthy of a loan-seeking Nigerian prince.你只需要轻轻一点击,就能看到值得尼日利亚王子寻找贷款的诈骗。

7.It was only when the Nigerian president personally intervened that the matter was resolved.结果是闹到尼日利亚总统亲自出面,才把这场冲突解决。

8.At least 18 people are now known to have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a United Nations building in the Nigerian capital Abuja.尼日利亚首都阿布贾一栋联合国建筑遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少18人死亡。

9.A 23 year old Nigerian man was discovered trying to ignite explosives on his body before the fpght he took landed in Detroit.一名23岁的奈及利亚男子,在搭乘的班机降落在底特律之前,企图引爆身上的爆裂物时被发现。

10.This was only the beginning of the first visit by a World Bank President to this Nigerian State.这是有史以来世界银行行长对该州的首次访问,欢迎仪式拉开了这一访问的序幕。