


美式发音: [rʌʃt] 英式发音: [rʌʃt]









1.仓促而就的;草率的done too quickly or made to do sth too quickly

It was a rushed decision made at the end of the meeting.那是会议结束时匆忙作出的决定。

Let's start work on it now so we're not too rushed at the end.我们现在就开始干吧,免得最后太匆忙。


adj.1.done in a hurry, especially in too much of a hurry; feepng that you must do things in a hurry

v.1.The past participle and past tense of rush

1.匆忙的 centre 中心 rushed 匆忙的,贸然的 exactly 完全的 ...


3.贸然的 centre 中心 rushed 匆忙的,贸然的 exactly 完全的 ...

4.繁忙的 Russia 俄国 俄罗斯 rushed 繁忙的 rye 黑麦 吉卜赛绅士 ...

5.赶到 4 扫地( sweeping) 5 赶到( rushed) 1 倒霉( have bad luck) ...

6.冲了.......... - Yahoo!知识+ ... shopping trip = 购物团 rushed = 冲了 customers = 顾客 ...


1.Several young men were carrying an injured young woman as they rushed into a hospital near the international airport, late Wednesday.星期三深夜,几名年轻男子抬着一位受伤的年轻女子,迅速把她送到国际机场附近的一家医院。

2.The door was flung open and there rushed in a paunchy middle-aged man, with inch-long hair cut close to his head.大门猛然推开,一名只留有一寸长短发、腹大便便的中年男子冲了进来。

3.Flushed with excitement, we rushed to see who some of the previous years' winners had been.我们兴奋极了,于是纷纷去看这个奖项前几届的得主是谁。

4.To do it before Christmas we had to do it last week so I rushed a bit my decision but it was the only opportunity.如果要在圣诞前租借,那么上周必须做决定了,所以我决定得很急,但那是最后的机会了。

5.He said the device broke into two pieces as he rushed to the back of the plane to throw it down the toilet.他说,炸弹已烧成了两半,他迅速冲到机舱后部将炸弹扔进了厕所。

6.The woman's husband rushed her to hospital where X-rays showed a pair of four-inches long surgical forceps in her abdomen.这名妇人的丈夫火速把她送医,X光照出妇人腹中有把四英寸长的手术钳。

7.As she rushed across the sky, she would leave a trail of color, forming rainbows.她在天空匆匆飞过时会留下一道色彩,形成彩虹。

8.It was Ann Peters' husband that (who) rushed her to a nearby hospital last night.昨晚,正是安妮.彼德的丈夫,立即送她去了附近医院。

9.In the early morning of the next day, they rushed to the lecture venue to prepare the display of the Celestial Jewelry.第二天,她们又很早到讲经现场,准备天饰的展示,然后向来宾讲解天饰的内涵和意义。

10.The model yelped as a man wearing a T-shirt with a Spanish profanity written on the back rushed over to help.这名模特儿发出尖叫,后方一名身穿背面写有西班牙亵渎字句T恤的男子,赶紧趋前帮忙。