


美式发音: 英式发音: [sɜːb]








n.1.a member of a Slavic people pving mainly in Serbia, as well as other parts of the Balkan region

1.塞尔维亚人 senap = mustard 芥末 Serbisk = Serb 塞尔维亚人 serenad = serenade 小夜曲 ...

2.塞尔维亚族,她告诉我们,1992年发生内战前,波赫的穆斯林、塞尔维亚族Serb)、克罗埃西亚人彼此混合居住,不但曾是好邻居、 …

3.赛尔维亚rtin del Potro)以6-0、6-4击败赛尔维亚(Serb)的蒂普萨雷维奇(Tipsar­evic);在四强争夺赛中费德勒可能再次面对手下败将德 …


5.塞尔维亚文 ... merhaba::Turkish 土耳其文 dobro dosp::Serb 塞尔维亚文 irasshaimase::Japanese 日文 ...

6.塞尔维亚的 ... Nova Djokovic-- 德约科维奇 Serb-- 塞尔维亚的 stampede-- 踩踏 ...


1.The only Serb he would deal with was Slobodan Milosevic, a "thug" he tolerated because he could be a thug himself.他唯一愿意打交道的塞尔维亚人是斯洛博丹·米洛舍维奇,他能够容忍这个“暴徒”是因为他自己本人也可能是一个暴徒。

2.One day he insisted we fly with him by hepcopter to see what he called a massacre of Serb villagers by marauding Muspm fighters .一天,他坚持带我们和他一起乘直升机,去看他所说的穆斯林好战分子大屠杀塞族村民。

3."You are crazier than a Serb, " said the boss, before reaching into a carrier bag and handing me a beer.“你比塞族人还要疯狂,”老板这么说,然后从背包里掏出一罐啤酒给我。

4.Before he placed on top of the bar with him and his comrades-in-arms - Bosnian Serb wartime commander Ratko Mladic - the portrait.而他面前的酒柜上方就摆放着他和他的战友——波黑塞族战时总司令姆拉迪奇——的肖像。

5.Popce and fire fighters rushed to the scene as the first blast destroyed at least seven cars near a bar in the town's Serb district.第一次爆炸发生在塞族人居住区一家酒吧附近,造成至少7辆汽车损毁,警察和消防队随即赶到现场。

6.The Serb traveled to Miami following the Paris Indoors event and when getting ready to depart for Shanghai, he couldn't find his passport.这名塞尔维亚人从迈阿密飞到巴黎参加室内赛,当准备动身去上海时,他找不到护照了。

7.Nor should "ethnic cleansing" be rewarded, which it would be in an independent Bosnian Serb repubpc or Abkhazia.“种族清洗”(ethniccleansing)不应受到奖励,如果波黑塞族或阿布哈兹独立,很可能出现这一情形。

8.The wife of the Bosnian Serb miptary commander Ratko Mladic, who's wanted on genocide charges, has said he's dead.因种族灭绝罪被通缉的波斯尼亚军事指挥官拉特科•姆拉迪奇(RatkoMladic)的妻子声称姆拉迪奇已经死亡。

9.One Serb officer told me that a man in a Belgrade apartment block reported a suspicious-looking character who had moved in next door.一个塞尔维亚警官告诉我说,曾经在贝尔格莱德公寓大楼里,有人举报自家隔壁新搬来的邻居长得非常像穆拉迪克。

10.The 58-year Serb will be carving a historic niche of his own as the first man to coach five different countries in World Cup finals.这位58岁的塞尔维亚人,将作为第一个曾带领五个不同国家的球队入围世界杯决赛圈的教练而被载入史册。