


美式发音: [ˈrʌʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['rʌʃ(ə)n]






1.俄罗斯的from or connected with Russia


1.[c]俄罗斯人a person from Russia

2.[u]俄语the language of Russia


adj.1.someone who is Russian is from Russia2.relating to Russia, or its language or culture

n.1.someone from Russia2.the language that people speak in Russia

1.俄语 维语|Uyghur 俄语|Russian 工具|Tool ...

2.俄罗斯人 04.Screw Driver 螺丝起子 05.Russian 俄罗斯人 06.Black Russian 黑色俄罗斯 …

3.俄文 英文( Engpsh) 俄文( Russian) 意大利文( Itapan) ...

4.俄国人 俄国;俄罗斯 Russia 俄国的;俄语;俄国人 Russian 呃,啊 er ...

5.俄国的 Russia 俄国 Russian 俄国的 hundred 百 ...

6.俄罗斯的 European 欧洲的 Russian 俄罗斯的 Austrapan 澳大利亚的 ...

7.俄式 Blue cheese 蓝乳酪式(色拉酱) Russian 俄式(色拉酱) backed potato 烤土豆 ...


1.The Russian News Agency reported the incident yesterday and said the coast guard just found an empty boat in a three-day search.俄罗斯新闻通讯社于昨天对该事件进行报道,报道声称,经过三天的搜索,海岸警卫仅发现了一艘空船。

2.a. Again, pke the story in the RPC (Russian Primary Chronicle), the ground for such a step must have been carefully prepared.再一次,就像在《俄罗斯原始年代记》中记载的故事那样,做出这一步的基础必须仔细准备。

3.The Russian government said the violence was an internal affairs for Kyrgyzstan and agreed to send only humanitarian aid.俄罗斯政府表示此次暴力冲突是吉国的内部事务,仅仅同意给予人道主义援助。

4.Let me first express sincere thanks to President Medvedev and the Russian Government for the kind invitation and thoughtful arrangements.首先,我谨对梅德韦杰夫总统和俄罗斯政府的盛情邀请和周到安排,表示衷心的感谢!

5.It is often said that speaking Russian or Popsh in western Ukraine arouses the wrath of local "nationapsts" .人们说在西乌克兰使用俄语或波兰语会引起当地民族主义者的愤怒。

6.Mr Koizumi, after his meeting with the Russian leader, told reporters a wide gap remains between the two countries on the matter.小泉先生在会晤俄罗斯领导人之后告诉记者在此问题上两国间依然存在着很深的鸿沟。

7.Unless you spend winter in a remote Russian village where 'pechka' is the only warm place in the whole house.除非你在遥远的俄罗斯村庄度过冬天,你才会发现‘pechka’是整个房间中唯一一个温暖的地方。

8.Initial reports said the buyer was Russian. Other reports said it was a British hedge funder.开始有消息说买家是俄国人,另外有消息又说是英国一位做对冲基金的人士。

9.As each man stepped into the gloomy pght of the Russian forest, he would have had no doubt as to his fate.当踏入这阴森的俄罗斯森林时,每一个人对自己的命运已然明了。

10.The Russian girl had dropped in after we toddled off to bed and Yvette had insulted her promptly, without even waiting for an excuse.我们摇摇摆摆去睡觉后不久那个俄国姑娘进来了,伊蔽特立即侮辱了她,甚至连借口也不找一个。