




1.鲁索 ... 卢森迪 Lucenti 奥拉滋沃·鲁索 Russo 德尔·科尔 Del Core ...

5.俄国 608义大利- --Italo 609俄国- --Russo 610土耳其- --Turko ...

6.罗素学院罗素学院 (Russo)1. 咖啡课程 $300 制作咖啡及咖啡艺术的学习,课程教导如何使用咖啡机及咖啡的专业知识,让学习者能够有 …

7.卢索家族据英国《泰晤士报》11月2日报道,意大利警方日前宣布,著名的黑手党卢索家族(Russo)的三兄弟日前在那不勒斯接连落网。 …


1.Ms Russo said the company would "benefit from new leadership apgned with a newly composed board. "而陆思博女生则表示公司会“从与新组建的董事会一条心的新领导中受益。”

2.For now, Russo's doctor has advised her to stay on the medicine. And she has a checkup scheduled in a few weeks.从现在开始,Russo的医生建议她停止使用这个药物,在几周内给她进行一次预约检查。

3.Kuril Islands, including the Russo-Japanese territorial dispute between the four northern islands (Russia, said the South Kuril Islands).千岛群岛包括日俄间存在领土争议的北方四岛(俄称南千岛群岛)。

4.Paul Russo was one of three men leading the 1956 500 when his Novi-engined roadster caught fire after blowing a tire and crashing.PaulRusso在1956年的印第500中与另外两人并驾齐驱,处于领先地位,然而他的诺维跑车在爆了一个胎撞毁之后着火了。

5.With a rapidly expanding high-speed rail network, it remains to be seen whether people will rent cars or take trains instead, says Mr Russo.拉索表示,随着高铁网络的快速扩展,人们是愿意租车还是乘坐火车,还须拭目以待。

6.The centre-left mayor of Naples, Rosa Russo Jervopno, warned Mr Prodi of the looming crisis a year ago.那不勒斯的中左翼市长,RosaRussoJervopno,一年前就警告过普罗迪先生这场逼近的危机。

7.When the Russo-Japanese War broke out, Japan started to grab Fuxin's coal resources which it had planned for a long time.早在日俄战争之际,一直窥视中国东北经济资源的日本就把侵略之手伸向阜新煤炭资源。

8.In 1905, the Russo-Japanese War settled into a stalemate, US President Teddy Roosevelt was called in to mediate the settlement.1905年,俄日战争进入了僵局,美国总统罗斯福(TeddyRoosevelt)调解了战事。

9.The key meeting of one of the world's most important trade organizations is turning into a Russo-Chinese love fest.全球最重要的一个贸易组织的一次关键会议变成了俄罗斯和中国之间互相示好的场所。

10.The Russo-Japanese war would have ended without Roosevelt's help, Fried argued, perhaps after a few more weeks of fighting.他认为日俄战争没有罗斯福的帮助也会结束,也许只不过再打几周。