


美式发音: [əˈkjumjəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [əˈkjuːmjʊleɪt]



第三人称单数:accumulates  现在分词:accumulating  过去式:accumulated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.accumulate wealth,accumulate experience,accumulate fortune,accumulate riches,accumulate information

adv.+v.gradually accumulate


v.mount up,buildup,accrue,amass,collect



1.[t]~ sth积累;积聚to gradually get more and more of sth over a period of time

I seem to have accumulated a lot of books.我好像已经收集了很多书。

By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.她投资精明,积累了一笔财富。

2.[i](数量)逐渐增加;(数额)逐渐增长to gradually increase in number or quantity over a period of time

Debts began to accumulate.债务开始增加。


v.1.to get more and more of something over a period of time; to increase in quantity over a period of time

1.积累 accountant n. 会计 accumulate vt. 积累,累积 accusation n. 罪名,谴责 ...

2.积聚 accretion ? v. 逐渐增长 accumulate ???? vi. 积聚 ,堆积 acerbic ? adj. 酸的 ...

3.堆积 accretion ? v. 逐渐增长 accumulate ???? vi. 积聚 ,堆积 acerbic ? adj. 酸的 ...

4.累积 accountant n. 会计 accumulate vt. 积累,累积 accusation n. 罪名,谴责 ...

5.积蓄 accountant 会计员(师) accumulate 积蓄;堆积,增加 accuracy 精确性,精确度 ...

6.聚集 簇拥 cùyōng 丛集;聚集accumulate〗 簇 cù ...

7.积攒 account 记述,叙述 accumulate 积累,积攒,积聚 accurate 准确的,精确的 ...

8.蓄积 accpmatization 气候适应 accumulate 蓄积 acetylandromedol 乙酰柽木醇毒 ...


1.As peri-menopause begins, fat tends to accumulate around the waist and chest, increasing our risk of heart disease.在这个十年期间,增加的脂肪主要积累在胸部和腰部,这使发生心脏病的几率加大。

2.In contrast, the drug with higher molecular weight tends to accumulate and maintain an effective concentration in tumor for a longer period.分子量较大的药物较易在肿瘤内部积聚,从而能在较长时间内保持一定的有效药物浓度。

3.Will the oil and petrol fumes released into the air over the Gulf accumulate to the degree that such a firestorm might occur today?这种释放进入海湾上空空气中的油类和汽油气体会聚集到某种的程度,以至于今日也可能这种发生火暴吗?

4.What if rubbish had not been allowed to accumulate beneath the escalator?如果垃圾不被允许丢在扶梯下呢?

5.However, scientists did not know how much melamine might accumulate in eggs from this process, until now.然而,此前科学家并不知道这一过程中可能会积累多少含量的三聚氰胺。

6.Some people seem to be able to accumulate wealth faster than others.似乎一些人比另一些人积累财富快些。

7.The presumption seems to be that no future proprietor can ever be allowed to accumulate such a large market share.可想而知,今后是决不会容许一个企业主拥有如此庞大的市场份额了。

8.A great book need not even be a best seller in its own day. It may take time for it to accumulate its ultimate audience.一部名著无须在问世之际就成为畅销书籍,读者数量的积累需要时日。

9.Tasks that you do not complete roll over to the next day, and accumulate until you mark them as complete.未完成的任务将滚动到第二天,并会进行累积,直到被标记为已完成为止。

10.The debris is beginning to accumulate on top of the insulation and duct work along the ridge cap stretch in the attic.碎片开始就沿山脊,在阁楼上的绝缘帽和管道延伸工作顶部积累。