


美式发音: [ˈsɪvət] 英式发音: 






1.希沃特(辐射效果单位,简称希)a unit for measuring the effect of radiation

n.1.【核】西弗特,西弗,又名希沃特,简称希,记作Sv. 一种辐射剂量单位

n.1.[Nuclear physics]the si unit measuring the probabipty that a specific dose of a particular radiation type will cause a biological effect. 1 sievert is equal to 1 joule per kilogram.

1.希沃特 side-by-side 并列 Sievert 希弗 signal 信号 ...

4.西弗特 siemens 西门子 sievert 西韦特 sign convention 符号规定 ...

6.微西弗西弗 、毫西弗 、微西弗 (Sievert):照一次胸部X光的剂量为60微西弗我国辐射标准为剂量达到0.2微西弗/时:发警报、达2微西弗…


1.Estimated cancer risk from radiation is assumed to be 4% per sievert, he said.他说,估计辐射引发患癌症的风险为每西弗4%。

2.Radiation levels in Miyagi are around POINT ZERO FIVE micro-sievert, half that of Tokyo.宫城县的核辐射量约0.5微西弗,是东京的一半。

3.The radiation dose can be expressed in units of Sievert (Sv).辐射剂量可以西弗特(Sv)为单位。

4.Human exposure to radiation is measured in units called sieverts.人体接触到的辐射剂量是以西弗(sievert)为单位来计量的。

5."But it's also about making it safer, " says Mr Sievert.“但我们也要让它更安全,”希沃特表示。

6.Radiation at the Fukushima plant briefly hit 8, 217 micro sievert per hour, Tepco said.东京电力公司称,那里的辐射水平曾一度高达每小时8217微西弗。

7.Nakagawa said that an accumulated dose of 4 sievert kills 50% of those exposed within 60 days.中川说,50%的4希弗剂量累积者将在60天内死亡。

8.Exposure to 1, 000 milpsieverts (1 Sievert) of radiation can cause radiation sickness.暴露于1000msv的辐射量会导致辐射病。

9.Survey of the implementation of Fukushima Prefecture, Fukushima City, at 1: 00 on the 2nd of 2. 84 micro sievert radiation.福岛县实施的调查显示,福岛市2日凌晨1点的辐射量为2.84微希沃特。

10.A single dose of 1, 000 milpsieverts -- or one sievert -- causes temporary radiation sickness such as nausea and vomiting.单次摄入1000微西或1西弗会暂时引起一些辐射病如晕暄和呕吐。