


美式发音: [ˈsæləd] 英式发音: ['sæləd]






1.[u][c](生吃的)蔬菜色拉,蔬菜沙拉a mixture of raw vegetables such as lettuce , tomato and cucumber , usually served with other food as part of a meal

All main courses come with salad or vegetables.所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。

Is cold meat and salad OK for lunch?午饭吃冷肉和色拉行吗?

a side salad(= a small bowl of salad served with the main course of a meal)配菜色拉(作为一道副菜)

a salad bowl(= a large bowl for serving salad in)色拉碗

2.[c][u](拌有肉、鱼、奶酪等的)混合色拉,混合沙拉meat, fish, cheese, etc. served with salad

a chicken salad鸡肉色拉

3.[u][c](或生或熟,多拌有蛋黄酱,与面食、豆类等一起食用的)蔬菜色拉,蔬菜沙拉raw or cooked vegetables, etc. that are cut into small pieces, often mixed with mayonnaise and served cold with other food

potato salad土豆色拉

a pasta salad意大利面食色拉

4.[u]拌色拉的青菜(尤指生菜)any green vegetable, especially lettuce , that is eaten raw in a salad

salad plants色拉蔬菜


n.1.a food containing a mixture of raw vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers, usually served with a salad dressing2.food that has been cut into small pieces and mixed together, usually with a sauce, and served cold

1.沙拉 ice cream 冰淇淋 salad n. 沙拉 strawberry n. 草莓 ...

2.色拉 色觉〖 chromaticvision〗 色拉salad〗 色狼〖 wolf;sexualmaniac〗 ...

3.沙律 sake 缘故,理由 salad 色拉,凉拌菜 salary 薪金,薪水 ...

5.沙拉类 www网址被屏蔽inuk网址被屏蔽- 基于5个网页 Salad 沙拉类 ... Pork Kebab with ketchup Sauce 沙司猪肉串 ...

6.生菜 salary n. 薪金,薪水 salad n. 色拉,莴苣,生菜 salt n. 盐,盐类 ...

7.莴苣,生菜 instead ad. 代替,顶替;反而 salad n. 色拉;莴苣,生菜 glad a. 高兴的;乐意的 ...



1.It was the most depcious salad that she had ever tasted. Even better than the one at Caesar Place.那是她吃过的最美味的东西,比凯撒广场的还好吃。

2.Apce: Be sure not to put the pieces of that apple in the salad . How about those bananas ? They look nice and ripe .注意不要把那个苹果的切片放到色拉里。那些香蕉怎么样?看起来挺不错,好像已经熟了。

3.She said she'll probably make a soup and a salad out of the season's vegetables.她表示,她很可能用当季蔬菜做汤和沙拉。

4.For the rest of the evening, too mortified to go back to the dining table, I nursed a bit of potato salad on my plate.剩下的时间里,由于羞于再回到餐桌旁,我整晚都只守着盘子里那一点点土豆沙拉。

5.In the USA and Canada, the term "French Salad Dressing" is often used to describe what is essentially a mixture of oil, vinegar and ketchup.在美国和加拿大,“法国沙拉酱”这个名词通常是用来表示一种混合油、醋和番茄酱的。

6.Since the plane did not serve food, I had a salad at about 3: 00 pm. Mike drove up from La Jolla to join me for the dinner.飞机上不供应午餐,我在3点钟吃了一份色拉。麦克从拉乔拉赶来和我一起吃晚饭。

7.It began as a joke, putting home-made salad dressing in an old wine bottle, tying it with a ribbon and giving it to friends.这始于一个玩笑,他将自家制作的沙拉酱装在一个旧酒瓶里再系上一个蝴蝶结送给自己的朋友们。

8.The best starter or appetizers is a big bowl of fresh salad ready to be prepared to your depght.最好的开桌品或开胃品是为你的亲爱的准备一大碗的新鲜的沙拉。

9.Dr. Oz may be the only health expert in America who could inspire you to dig salad ingredients out of your front walk.Oz医生也许是美国唯一一位能鼓励你把沙拉成分从你的路前挖出来的人。

10.Top a mixed-green salad with candied walnuts, tangerine wedges and a bit of goat cheese.顶端放带有胡桃,楔形红橘和一点羊干酪的混合绿色色拉。