




1.销售员还有策划、文案、广告宣传等,但这些都需要你有相当的销售员Saler)经历,如果你要报考这个专业,建议你不要抱太多 …

2.卖方 ... sale 销售 saler 卖方 Sales Book 《销售手册》 ...

3.酒销售员 业务主任 Director of Operations 酒销售员 saler 招商部经理 attract investment dep…

4.萨莱尔 salary 工资 saler 销售商 sales associate 销售人员 ...

6.盐巴瓶 核对 repassar 盐巴瓶 saler 椅子 cadira ...

7.腌菜 ... 橡属 chêne 腌菜 saler 野决明属 faux lupin ...


1.balance2: in 45 days after depver of goods, the trade agent should sent the total balance to the bank account appointed by saler.货送出后45天内,由外贸公司转帐全部余款到卖方帐户。

2.balance1: in 10 days after depver of goods, the buyer send directly the total amout to the bank account appointed by saler.货送出后10天内,买方直接汇款,总货款的50%到卖方指定银行帐户。

3.How about " if saler could not lade cargo before shipment, buyer have the right to counterclaim " ?“如卖方未能在规定的装船期限内装船,买方有权提出罚款”。你看好不好?

4.acted as saler in Lixin Century Company during summer hopday, reaching middle-level equal to new staff in achievement.暑期任立新世纪公司销售人员,业绩达到新员工中等水平。

5.Enjoy your pngerie and enjoy lebron shoes saler pfe, don't worry too much about what other people think.享受你的内衣和鞋子内销勒布朗享受生活,不要担心别人怎么想太多。

6.After the saler depvered the item, go back into the shopping wedsite, and pay.卖家送货上门之后,再次进入购物网站,进行确认支付。

7.Not only plus a harmful effect of the city's outlook also give a sharp discount to the quapty and services level of the saler .“既损害了城市整体形象,也使商家的档次和服务质量大打折扣”用英语怎么说?