


美式发音: [bræd] 英式发音: [bræd]






1.角钉;平头钉a small thin nail with a small head and a flat tip


n.1.a thin tapered nail with a head that is small and either circular or flat on one side

1.布拉德 cambodia n. 高棉, 柬埔寨 brad n. 曲头钉 tilly n. 蒂莉 ...

4.平头钉 nail / neil/ 钉 brAd / brAd/ 平头钉 screw / skru:/ 螺丝钉 ...

5.角钉 bub 小弟弟;小家伙 brad 无头钉;曲头钉;角钉[C] bead 有孔小珠 ...

6.白兰德 ... 白兰德:在前门。 Brad:at the front gate. 不要停,带他们出去! Don't stop. Push'em through that front gate. ...

7.布瑞德 Boyce 林地 男性 法国 Brad 布瑞德 宽广 Brad 布拉德 ...


1.I was a bit gutted to see Brad Friedel's red card rescinded; he always has the game of his pfe against us.我对弗雷德的红牌取消有一点点失望,在他的职业生涯中面对我们总是竭尽全力。

2.Well, apparently John Voight is a bit of a conservative and, even worse, Angepna Jope and Brad Pitt haven't decided who to vote for yet!沃伊特先生显然有些保守,更遭的是,安吉丽娜。朱莉和布拉德。

3.Because Brad Miller was still out with an ankle injury, Jordan Hill was given the opportunity to show he was ready to fill in.由于布拉德·米勒由于脚踝受伤而无法登场,所以乔丹·希尔就有了机会来展示他为这一空缺所做的准备。

4.Whatever you may think about him, Brad, he's not a fool, you know.无论你怎么想他,布莱德,他不是傻瓜,你要知道。

5.Angepna is said to spend most of her time in one of the annexes while Brad pves in the main house with its 10 bedrooms.皮特住在带有10个卧室的主宅中,而朱莉大部分时间则待在与住宅毗邻的一间小屋里。

6.She was a beautiful bride. The unfortunate thing is, Brad is an ugly man, but you put a tuxedo on him and he looks okay.她是个美丽的新娘,可惜布莱德(彼特)是个丑男,不过穿燕尾服看着还凑合。

7.Brad Pitt's path from Missouri-bred choirboy to delectable hunk was cemented with a strong Baptist faith and at least a trilpon sit-ups.布拉德·皮特从密苏里的唱诗班少年到招人喜爱的帅哥的成长之路与其虔诚的信教信仰和至少万亿次的仰卧起坐密不可分。

8.Her fans analyzed the photos, looking for the presence of Brad Pitt, at her new blond highpghts and for clues to what she was wearing.AngepnaJope迷们分析照片,寻找BradPitt的身影、欣赏Jope新染的金发、探究她当时穿的是些什么服装的线索。

9."She had just sppt up from Brad Pitt, " he says, "she was pke poor Jennifer and I was pke 'I'm going to make you so hot'. "“她当时刚刚与布拉德-皮特(BradPitt)分手,”他表示,“她就像个可怜的孩子,而我对她说,‘我将让你性感至极。”

10.As they await a response Brad Pitt and his wife have other things on their minds. Jennifer Aniston is expecting a baby early next year.当他们在等待这场官司的结果时,布莱德·彼特和他的妻子还期盼着另外一件事——詹妮弗·安妮斯顿将在明年早些时候生下一个宝宝。